{Facility} DS-FELT APELSVOLL: Farming systems comparison study, Bioforsk Arable Crops Division, Apelsvoll. Start 1989. Facility Leader(s): Korsæth, Audun and Eltun, Ragnar, Bioforsk Norwegian Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research .
- English
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Document available online at: http://www.bioforsk.no/ViewPPP.aspx?view=project&id=16&viewLanguage=NorwegianBokmaal
Summary in the original language of the document
A long-term farming systems comparison study was initiated at Bioforsk Arable Crops Division, Apelsvoll, in 1989. The aim was to compare on a model farm level differences in yields, nutrient runoff, nutrient balances and economical results for conventional, integrated and organic dairy and cash crop farming systems. The vision of the project was to develop farming systems that minimized the runoff of nutrients and pesticide residues, produced healthy crops with optimal nutritional value, and gave satisfying yields and economic results. In 2000, the system was changed so that the term “integrated” was replaced by “optimal”, defined as the treatment that achieves the maximum yield per kilo leached nitrogen. The study comprises a field lysimeter with 12 plots, each 0.18 ha. Each plot is treated as a model farm, and six different farming systems (2 replicates per system) are compared as follows:
1. A reference cash crop farm with cereals and potatoes, managed as in the reference year of 1985
2. Optimal cash crop
3. Organic cash crop with 25% land as green manure
4. Optimal cash crop with animal manure and 50% ley
5. Organic mixed crop with 50% ley
6. Organic mixed crop with 75% ley
All model farms are managed with a 4-year crop rotation, where all crops are grown in each year (all plots are divided in four sub-plots). Please contact audun.korsaeth@bioforsk.no for further information and publications from the study.
Summary translation
Siden 1989 har det vært et omfattende dyrkingssystemforsøk på Apelsvoll, der en ved hjelp av modellgårder med ulik drift skal utvikle dyrkingsmetoder som gir minst mulig avrenning av næringssalter og plantevernmidler, sunne produkter med optimal næringsverdi og tilfredsstillende avlinger og økonomi. Forsøksplanen ble endret noe i 2000, og begrepet "optimal produksjon" ble innført: "Optimal" defineres her som høyest mulig avling (tørrstoff) per enhet utvasket nitrogen. Dyrkingssystemforsøket er et feltlysimeter bestående av 12 blokker (á 1,8 daa) som er konstruert for måling av tap av næringssalter via grøfte- og overflatevann fra hver enkelt blokk. Hver blokk drives som et eget gårdsbruk, og disse mini-gårdene representerer til sammen seks ulike dyrkingssystemer (2 gjentak):
·Referansebruk; korn- og potetproduksjon (drevet som i 1985)
·Optimal korn- og potetproduksjon
·Økologisk kornproduksjon (25% kløvereng som grønngjødsling)
·Optimal korn- og fôrproduksjon med husdyrgjødsel (50% eng)
·Økologisk korn- og fôrproduksjon med husdyrgjødsel (75% eng)
·Økologisk korn- og fôrproduksjon med husdyrgjødsel (50% eng)
Prosjektet er finansiert av Hydro Agri Norge og Planteforsk.
EPrint Type: | Research facility description |
Type of Facility: | Long-term crop experiment |
Location: | N-2848 KAPP |
Keywords: | nitrogen, avrenning, yield levels, lysimeter, leaching,runoff, comparison study, farming systems comparison, conventional farming, integrated production |
Subjects: | Crop husbandry > Production systems > Pasture and forage crops Crop husbandry > Production systems > Cereals, pulses and oilseeds Farming Systems Animal husbandry > Production systems > Dairy cattle Farming Systems > Farm nutrient management Food systems > Recycling, balancing and resource management Environmental aspects > Air and water emissions |
Research affiliation: | Norway > Bioforsk - Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research Norway |
Start Date: | 1 April 1989 |
Deposited By: | Eltun, Ragnar |
ID Code: | 7056 |
Deposited On: | 31 Jan 2006 |
Last Modified: | 12 Apr 2010 07:32 |
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