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Centre Régional de Recherche et d'Experimentation en agriculture biologique de Midi-Pyrénées

{Facility} CREAB MP: Centre Régional de Recherche et d'Experimentation en agriculture biologique de Midi-Pyrénées. [Experimentation and research regional center in organic farming.] Facility Leader(s): PRIEUR, loïc, Institut Technique de l'Agriculture Biologique .

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Centre d'expérimentation en agriculture biologique ayant pour missions l'acquisition de références techniques dans le domaine des grandes cultures biologiques. La mission première est de fournir des conseils techniques aux producteurs. Les essais sont réalisés sur une exploitation de 53 ha converti en AB en 1999. Les sols sont du type des terreforts argilo-calcaire. Les essais portent sur le tri variétal (blé tendre et autres céréales, protéagineux, soja), essai malherbologie, essai fertilité et fertilisation.

Summary translation

The CREAB MP is an organic farming experimental station specialized in arable crops. The missions are to acquire technical references on organic farming arable crops using experimentations. Those references are used to make advises to the farmers.
We work on a farm of 135 ac. characterized by a pedological study, based on the South-West of France (Auch, Gers). The studied cultures are: wheat (soft and hard), barley, triticale, corn, sunflower, soy bean, field bean, field pea …
The trail are about: screening of variety, testing organic manure on soft wheat, testing cropping sequences, studying mechanics weed controlled, characterizing nitrogen remains after leguminous plants, evolution of the fertility of the farm since the beginning in organic farming.
The CREAB is affiliated to ITAB (National Organic Farming Technical Institute) which is the specialized technical centre of arable crops. The CREAB is an association, the member are: the organic farmer’s development interest groups, economic organisations, chambers of agriculture, technical institutes and agricultural schools. The scientific partners are: Farmers, INRA, and Agriculture Technical Institutes.

EPrint Type:Research facility description
Type of Facility:Experimental farm
Location:Auch, Gers France
Keywords:Organic farming, experimental farm,
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Cereals, pulses and oilseeds
Crop husbandry > Production systems
Research affiliation: France
France > Other organizations
Acronym:CREAB MP
Deposited By: Prieur, Loïc
ID Code:6745
Deposited On:22 Mar 2006
Last Modified:20 Aug 2009 14:29

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