Adler, Steffen A. and Randby, Åshild T. (2005) Påvirker høstetid for gras innholdet av gunstige fettsyrer i økologisk melk? [Does harvesting time of grass affect the composition of favourable fatty acids in organic milk?] Poster at: Ekologiskt lantbruk konferens 22-23 november 2005. Ultuna, Uppsala. Sammanfattningar av föredrag och postrar. SLU. Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk., Ultuna, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-23. November 2005.
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Summary in the original language of the document
Effekten av høstetid for økologisk eng i Nord-Norge på sammensetning av fettsyrer i melk ble undersøkt i et fôringsforsøk med melkekyr. Tidlig høsting av økologisk eng økte ytelsen og protein% i melk. Normal høstetid ga høyere fett% og en antatt helsemessig gunstigere sammensetning av melkefettet. Dette skyldtes bedre forhold mellom mettet og umettet fett samt mer CLA og transvaccensyre (C18:1t11). Innholdet av alfa-linolensyre (C18:3c9,12,15), og forholdet mellom omega-6 og omega-3 fettsyrer var gunstigst i melk fra tidlig høsta gras.
Summary translation
The effect of harvesting time on composition of fatty acids in milk was examined in a feeding experiment with milking cows in northern Norway. Early cut of an organic ley increased milk yield and milk protein concentration. Normal cut gave higher milk fat concentration, and, based on a better ratio between saturated and unsaturated fat, and higher contents of CLA and vaccenic acid, a fatty acid composition that was assumed to be more beneficial for human health. The content of a-linolenic acid (C18:3c9,12,15 n-3), and the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids were more propitious in milk from early cut grass.
EPrint Type: | Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Type of presentation: | Poster |
Keywords: | Harvesting time, fatty acids, dairy, høstetid, fettsyrer, melk, NORTHDAIRY |
Subjects: | Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth |
Research affiliation: | Norway > Planteforsk - The Norwegian Crop Research Institute Norway > NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
Deposited By: | Adler, Steffen A. |
ID Code: | 6420 |
Deposited On: | 04 Apr 2007 |
Last Modified: | 12 Apr 2010 07:32 |
Document Language: | Norwegian/Norsk |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
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