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Sortenprüfung Kernobst für den biologischen Anbau

{Project} Organic Pipfruit: Sortenprüfung Kernobst für den biologischen Anbau. [Testing of pipfruit cultivars for organic production.] Runs 1994 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Weibel, Franco and Suter, Francisco, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick .

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Document available online at: https://www.fibl.org/de/themen/pflanze.html

Summary in the original language of the document

State of the Art:
World-wide there is very little cultivar testing of pipfruit under the conditions of organic farming. No rare there appropriate breeding programs on-going. Thus, knowledge is very scare.
Definition of the problem:
Pipfruit as apple and pears are difficult to produce organically. A key disease is scab (Venturia sp.); but also susceptibility to leaf spot disease, monilia, sooty blotch disease, aphids, insects, biennial bearing, cracking etc. are major problems to overcome with organically approved methods and products. Additionally, also organic pipfruit have to achieve the high and significantly increased expectations in terms of outer and inner quality.
Project aims:
To find apple and pear cultivars suited for organic production.
Precision trials are planted at FiBL in Frick (20 cultivars per series in an in-out-system; trees are planted in two blocks: “very extensive” with 3 x 2 trees and “with usual care” 2 x 5 trees. Tree-wise we measure yield, tree vigour, disease and aphid damage, standard fruit quality, storage ability. Each year we organize several sensorial blind tests with larger consumer groups. Some advanced cultivars are also under On-Farm observation at 5 sites in organic orchards of all important growing regions of Switzerland. Trials with pears have started in 2005 only (10 cultivars and selections, planted at FiBL and Aubonne, each with two blocks of 5 trees per cultivar).
Results, conclusion, state of the art:
Regularly we publish a list of recommended apple cultivars suited for organic production and professional retail. New concepts for marketing and variety introduction could be derived from these activities (e.g. the “Taste-Group Concept”; or the “Variety Team” concept). Thus, the project had and still has a clear and very direct influence on production and marketing of the organic apple branch in Switzerland. Pear trials were started in 2005.

Summary translation

Involved organisations, project partners:
Agroscope Wädenswil (Markus Kellerhals, Simon Egger)
-F. Weibel, A. Häseli (1994-2005) Proceedings of yearly „FiBL-Bioobstbau-Tagung“
-Weibel, F. P., A. Schmid, et al. (2003). "Efficient multi-location testing of scab resistant cultivars for organic apple production in Switzerland." Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 622: 335-342.
-Weibel, F. P., A. Schmid, et al. (2004). Sorten für den Bioobstanbau: Resultate aus Verkostungen; Sortenempfehlungen 2004; Umfeldanalyse, News. FiBL-Bioobstbautagung, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick.
-Weibel, F. P. and A. Leder (2004). Consumer reaction to the «Flavour Group Concept» to introduce scab resistant apple varieties into the market. «Variety Teams» as further development of the concept. ECO-FRUIT; 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing, LVWO, Weinsberg/Germany.
-Weibel, F. P. and A. Häseli (2003). Organic Apple Production -With Emphasis on European Systems. The CABI Apple Book. D. C. Ferree and I. J. Warrington. Wallingford Oxon, CABI Publishing: 551-583.
-Kellerhals, M., J. Angstl, F.P. Weibel (2003). "Porträt schorfresistenter Apfelsorten." Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau 19: 6-14.

EPrint Type:Project description
Keywords:Organic, fruit, cultivar variety, pipfruit, testing, apple, pear, apricot, Bioobstbau, Bioprüfung Kernobstsorten
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Breeding, genetics and propagation
Research affiliation: Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Sustainability > Climate
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Crops > Special crops > Fruit
Research funders: Switzerland > Coop
Related Links:https://www.fibl.org/en/locations/switzerland/departments/crop-sciences.html, https://orgprints.org/perl/search/advanced?keywords=Bioobstbau%2C+Biopr%C3%BCfung+Kernobstsorten&keywords_merge=ALL&projects=perennial-crop-production&projects_merge=ANY&_satisfyall=ALL&_order=byname&_action_search=Search
Acronym:Organic Pipfruit
Project ID:MK 1.3
Start Date:1 January 1994
End Date:31 December 2007
Deposited By: Weibel, Franco
ID Code:6291
Deposited On:22 Nov 2005
Last Modified:11 Nov 2020 13:50

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