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Koordinierter Wissensaustausch für Innovationen und Forschung im biologischen Landbau

{Project} Koordinierter Wissensaustausch für Innovationen und Forschung im biologischen Landbau. [Coordination of knowledge-exchange for innovation and research in organic farming.] Runs 2003 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Strasser, Fredi, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick and Agroscope FAL Reckenholz .

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Summary in the original language of the document

- Durch die Koordination der Forschung im biologischen Landbau soll Effizienz und Qualität der Problemlösung gesteigert werden
- Unterstützung bei der Früherkennung und Priorisierung von Forschungsbedürfnissen der Biopraxis

Summary translation

The Organic Research Coordination Group coordinates FiBL’s and the state research centres’ activities. In the past two years an annual conference was established, documenting the current status of organic farming research at these institutes (see https://orgprints.org/4845/ and https://orgprints.org/2493/).

EPrint Type:Project description
Keywords:organic farming, knowledge management, Forschungskommunikation, Kommunikation, Wissensaustausch
Agrovoc keywords:
German - Deutsch
Subjects: Knowledge management
Research affiliation: Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Knowledge exchange > Publications
Research funders: Switzerland > Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG
Related Links:http://www.fibl.org/forschung/forschungskommunikation/index.php
Start Date:8 November 2003
End Date:31 December 2007
Deposited By: Alfoeldi, Thomas
ID Code:6235
Deposited On:27 Feb 2006
Last Modified:17 Jan 2024 13:37

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