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Terrestrische Risikoindikatoren

{Project} EU-HAIR, OECD-BUWAL-TERI: Terrestrische Risikoindikatoren. [Terrestrial Riskindicators.] Runs 2002 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Fliessbach, Andreas, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick .

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Document available online at: http://www.oecd.org/document/45/0,2340,en_2649_34383_32265069_1_1_1_1,00.html

Summary in the original language of the document

This project is supported by the European Commission under the 6th framework Program (Project number SSPE-CT-2003-501997). It is a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) for scientific support of policies with a budget of 2.7 million Euros. The project has started January 2003 and will be finished in March 2007.
The aim of this project:
The project will support Community policies for sustainable agriculture by providing a harmonised European approach for indicators of the overall risk of pesticides.
It will integrate European scientific expertise on the use, emissions and environmental fate of pesticides and their impact on agro-ecosystems and human health.
The indicators will provide new and powerful assessment tools for monitoring and managing the overall risks of pesticides. This will contribute directly to Agenda 2000 aims for sustainable agriculture, and to the 6th Environment Action Programme’s Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products.
The expectations of the project:
The main deliverable of the project is a set of harmonised environmental and human health risk indicators, implemented in an easy to use software package.
The proposed tool will include methods to predict environmental fate and exposure, and the resulting acute and chronic risks:
• for aquatic and terrestrial organisms,
• for groundwater,
• for public health (including pregnant women) and
• for applicators of the pesticides.
Databases will be developed for pesticide use, agricultural practice, land use, GIS information and ecotoxicological data. State-of-the-art methods (including the methods used in legislative processes) will be used to extrapolate from test animals to humans and wildlife.
The project will use existing data sets to systematically evaluate the validation status of the indicators, including information gathered by regional and national organisations.
What are the characteristics of the output of this project
The indicator outputs will be available on different scales, providing high resolution results at the catchment and/or /regional level, taking account of local conditions of soil, climate etc; and also aggregated and integrated results at the European level.

Summary translation

Definition of the problem:
Riskindicators of pesticides
Project aims including target group:
Users, producers, Public, environmental organizations
Expert-knowledge, verification
Involved organisations, project partners:
Alterra Green World Research (Alterra) - The Netherlands
Biologische Bundesanstalt (BBA) – Germany
Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) - Belgium
Central Science Laboratory (CSL) – United Kingdom
Central Services for Plant Protection and Soil Conservation (CSPPSC) – Hungary
Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) - Germany
Genth University (RUG) – Belgium
Joint Research Centre (JRC) – Italy
Luigi Sacco Hospital and University (ICPS) – Italy
Mario Negri Research Institute for Farmacology (NEGRI) - Italy
National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) – Denmark
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) – The Netherlands
Norwegian Crop Research Institute (NCRI) - Norway
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) - Switzerland
Universita Cottolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) - Italy
University of York (UY) – United Kingdom
Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Institute (VAR) - Belgium

EPrint Type:Project description
Keywords:Riskindicators, pesticides, Bodenfruchtbarkeit, Ökotoxikologie, HAIR
Subjects: Environmental aspects
Research affiliation: Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Soil
Research funders: Switzerland > Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft BUWAL
European Union
Related Links:http://www.fibl.org/de/schweiz/forschung/bodenwissenschaften.html, http://www.rivm.nl/stoffen-risico/NL/hair.htm, https://orgprints.org/perl/search/advanced?addtitle%2Ftitle=&addtitle%2Ftitle_merge=ALL&authors=&authors_merge=ALL&editors=&editors_merge=ALL&abstract%2Fengabstract=&abstract%2Fengabstract_merge=ALL&keywords=Bodenfruchtbarkeit%2C+%C3%96kotoxikologie&keywor
Project ID:EU HAIR: SSPE-CT-2003-501997 (BBW: 03.0572.1), BUWAL : StoBoBio/3189.042/04/24
Start Date:31 July 2002
End Date:31 March 2007
Deposited By: Fließbach, Dr. Andreas
ID Code:6049
Deposited On:02 Nov 2005
Last Modified:05 Jan 2021 10:57

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