{Project} Biodiversity and pest control: Aufwertung der Kulturlandschaft durch Nützlingsförderung im Gemüse- und Ackerbau. [Improvement of agricultural land to increase natural enemies in annual crops.] Runs 2003 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Pfiffner, Lukas, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick .
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Document available online at: https://www.fibl.org/de/standorte/schweiz/departemente/nutzpflanzenwissenschaften/pflanzenschutz-entomologie-agraroekologie.html
Summary in the original language of the document
Nützlingsförderung durch Habitatmanagement
- Habitat-Management: Verbesserung der natürlichen Schädlingsregulation mittels indirekten Pflanzenschutz Massnahmen (naturnahe Flächen wie Brachen, Säume)
- Faunistische Erfolgskontrolle des ökologischen Ausgleichs mittels Bioindikatoren (Laufkäfer und Spinnen) mit Einbezug der Produktionsflächen als Referenz
- Entwicklung und Testen von lokal angepassten Saatgutmischungen (Wildkrautstreifen, Ackerkrautsaum)
- Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Pflegemassnahmen auf epigäische Nutzarthropoden
- Biotopverbund Grosses Moos
Summary translation
Many agroecosystems are unfavourable environments for natural enemies due to high levels of disturbance. Fragmentation and loss of suitable habitats has caused natural enemies to decline in species diversity and abundance, and has even resulted in extinctions and loss of biocontrol function. Therefore a diversification through habitatmanagement is essential to create a suitable ecological infrastructure within the agricultural landscape to resources such as food for adult natural enemies, alternative prey or hosts, and shelter from adverse conditions.
The concept of a multi-level approach of pest-control on organic farms combines indirect with direct plant protection measures and habitat manipulation using functional biodiversity. Non-crop habitats are known to play an essential role for reproduction and survival of natural enemies offering food resources, overwintering sites and refugees. Using selective plants in field margins adjacent to the crops is a key issue. After a general improvement of biodiversity on-farm a specifically tailored biodiversity to the needs of key antagonists on crop level is necessary to increase pest-control in annual crops.
Project aims:
- Impact of habitat manipulation on parasitism and predation of key pests in annual crops (lepidopteran pests in cabbage crops). Field trials on-farm.
- Analysis of temporal-spatial dispersal pattern of natural enemies between non-crop and crop habitat on local scale.
- Development of management techniques of field margins and seed mixtures to conserve a high level of structural and species diversity.
- Investigation of the parasitism rates of cabbage lepidopteran pest in relation to presence or absence of adjacent sown, species rich wildflower strips on several farms at different sites in arable landscapes of Western-Switzerland. Furthermore using batches of reared eggs the spatial pattern of parasitism in relation to the strip was analysed in an experimental grid design. Using molecular methods to quantify egg-parasitism rates (collaboration with Univ. Innsbruck).
- Test of different seed-mixtures and management techniques of field margins on-farm.
Results, conclusion, state of the art:
- See Pfiffner et al. 2003 and Pfiffner & Wyss 2004 (review on wild flower strip)
Involved organisations, project partners: Dr. M. Traugott, Centre for Mountain Agriculture - University of Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Aus dem Vorprojekt:
Pfiffner, L. & Schaffner (2000) Anlage und Pflege von Ackerkrautstreifen. In: Streifenförmige ökologische Ausgleichsflächen in der Kulturlandschaft: Ackerkrautstreifen, Buntbrache, Feldränder. (Edt. Wolfgang Nentwig), p 41-53.
Lichtenhahn, M., Koller, M. und Pfiffner, L. (2000): Entwicklung und Schlüsselprobleme des Bio-Gemüsebaues in der Schweiz. Gemüse 6: 20-22.
Pfiffner, L., Luka, H., (2000). Enhancing beneficial organisms with field margins - an important strategy for indirect pest control on organic farms. In: 13th Interational congress of IFOAM, Basel (Edt. T. Alföldi, W. Lockeretz & U. Niggli). p 101.
Pfiffner, L., Luka, H. & Lutz, M. (2001). Significance of field margins for enhancing polyphagous arthropods in arable and vegetable cropping systems. In: Funktionelle Bedeutung der Biodiversität (edts. G. Zotz und Ch. Körner) Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 31: 276.
Pfiffner. L. (2001) Professionelles Anlegen von Brachen – ein Beitrag zur Nützlingsförderung. Bio aktuell 9: 8-9.
Während Projektphase:
Pfiffner, L., Merkelbach, L. and Luka, H. 2003. Do sown wildflower strips enhance the parasitism of lepidopteran pests in cabbage crops? IOBC/WPRS Bullettin 26 (4): 111-116.
Pfiffner, L. & Wyss, E. (2004). Use of sown wildflower strips to enhance natural enemies of agricultural pests. In: Ecological Engineering for Pest Management: Advances in Habitat Manipulation for Arthropods, Edts. GM Gurr, SD Wratten and M Altieri, pp 167-188. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood VIC Australia..
Pfiffner, L., Luka, H., Schlatter, C. und Uehlinger, G. (2004). Ökoflächen können Schädlinge regulieren. bio-aktuell 5:10-11.
Lichtenhahn, M., Pfiffner, L., Luka, H., Schlatter, C. und Uehlinger, G. (2004). Buntbrachen helfen Schädlinge regulieren. Les jachères florales aident à maîtriser les ravageurs. Der Gemüsebau/Le Maraîcher 9:4-5.
Pfiffner, L., Luka, H., Schlatter, C. (2005) Funktionelle Biodiversität: Schädlingsregulation gezielt verbessern. Oekologie und Landbau 134: 51-53.
Pfiffner, L. (2005). Biolanbau fördert die Biodiversität. Hotspot 11:12.
Uehlinger, G., Schaffner, D. und Pfiffner, L. (2005). Verbessern Pflegemassnahmen die Qualität der Brachen? Agrarforschung 12: 332-337.
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