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Developing the vegetable production in Southern Savo

{Project} Vihanneshanke: Developing the vegetable production in Southern Savo. [Etelä-Savon vihannestuotannon kehittäminen.] Runs 2004 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Hintikainen, Veikko, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

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Summary in the original language of the document

The district of Southern Savo produces 8% of Finnish vegetables. The compatibility of vegetable producers, both organic and conventional, should be improved or maintained, in order to fulfil the demand of industry, catering sector and retail market.
The agenda of the project contains: improvement of production efficacy by better adjusted cultivation techniques, new cultivars and new vegetables, and active marketing.
The project organizes farm trials, extension services, seminars and field days for the producers. Meetings between suppliers and purchasers shall be organized to negotiate new ways of co-operation. In the farm trials in 2004 we have compared iceberg lettuce, white and chinese cabbage cultivars in different planting densities. Cultivars of broccoli and cauliflower are evaluated. Weed management techniques in the early lettuce plantings is studied.
The three-year development project started in spring 2004. It is funded mainly by the EU´s EAGGF and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

EPrint Type:Project description
Keywords:vegetables, farm trials, fertilization, plant protection, marketing, organic farming
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Vegetables
Research affiliation: Finland > Univ. Helsinki > Rural Research
Finland > Luke Natural Resources Institute > Ecological Production
Research funders: Finland > Other organizations Finland
Start Date:1 January 2004
End Date:29 December 2004
Deposited By: Nykänen, Arja
ID Code:5713
Deposited On:15 Sep 2005
Last Modified:20 Aug 2009 14:27

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