Adriaansen-Tennekes, Ruth; Bloksma, Joke; Huber, Machteld; Baars, Ton; de Wit, Jan and Baars, Erik (2005) Biologische producten en gezondheid. Resultaten melkonderzoek 2005. [Organic products and health. Results of milk research 2005.] Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. GVV06. Louis Bolk Instituut.
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Summary in the original language of the document
In het verleden is al aangetoond dat de biologische productiemethode maatschappelijke voordelen heeft op terreinen als milieu, biodiversiteit, bodemkwaliteit, dierenwelzijn en pesticidenresidu.
Indirect dragen deze kwaliteiten bij aan de gezondheid van de mens.
Nu beginnen ook steeds meer onderzoeksresultaten beschikbaar te komen waaruit blijkt dat de biologische productiemethode ook leidt tot voedsel dat meer gezonde stoffen bevat. Biologische producten blijken gemiddeld gelijk of hoger te scoren op gezonde stoffen o.a. vitamine C gehaltes, mineralen, anti-oxidanten en eiwitkwaliteit dan reguliere producten. En biologische producten blijken gelijk of lager te scoren op ongezonde stoffen zoals nitraat, residuen van bestrijdingsmiddelen en contaminanten.
Als verkennend onderzoek naar verschillen in koemelk werd in februari 2005 koemelk van 5 biologische en 5 gangbare buurbedrijven onderzocht. Een duidelijk verschil in bedrijfsvoering is dat biologische koeien minder krachtvoer en meer klaver en gras eten. De hoeveelheid CLA's en omega-3-vetzuren was in de onderzochte biologische melk significant hoger. In smaak was er geen eenduidig verschil in beoordeling. Ook de gezondheidstoestand van de koeien werd gemeten via immunologisch onderzoek. Hieruit bleek dat biologische koeien beter kunnen reageren op infecties, ze zijn dus robuuster. Deze gezondheidsmeting van de koe past in de hypothese dat de cyclus van een gezonde bodem, gezonde gewassen, gezonde dieren ook leidt tot gezonde producten voor de mens. Bij de vernieuwende meetmethoden voor 'geordendheid' van de structuur (biofotonen en voedingskristallisaties) scoort de biologische melk systematisch hoger op 'geordendheid', 'integratie’ en ‘coördinatie'.
Uit onderzoek naar voederrantsoenen en naar moedermelk blijkt dat hogere CLA-gehaltes in de keten doorgeven worden via het voer (veel gras en klaver), naar de koemelk tot in de menselijke moedermelk.
Summary translation
Summary - Organic products and health - Results of milk research 2005
R. Adriaansen-Tennekes, J. Bloksma, M. A. S. Huber, J. de Wit, E. W. Baars, (Louis Bolk Instituut) and T. Baars (University of Kassel/Witzenhausen).
At the 2004 Eco Congress, Triodos Bank director Peter Blom called for further research to reinforce the healthy image of organic food and production. This prompted the current research.
Researchers at the Louis Bolk Institute subsequently carried out scientific literature research into differences in health-promoting properties between products of conventional and organic agriculture. They also carried out two research projects in collaboration with various institutes in Europe and the Netherlands including the Universities of Wageningen and Maastricht into differences between conventional and organic milk and the impact of conventional and organic dairy products on breast milk.
Organic production methods have in the past already been shown to have social benefits in areas such as the environment, biodiversity, soil quality, animal welfare and pesticide residues. These qualities also contribute indirectly to human health. Now increasing numbers of research findings show that organic methods also produce food that contains more health-promoting substances.
Organic products contain more health-promoting substances
Past research has shown that much organically grown food will contain more health-promoting substances than conventionally grown food. Organic products also equal or surpass conventional products in terms of levels of health-promoting substances such as vitamin C, minerals, anti-oxidants and protein quality. Furthermore organic products contain the same amount or fewer unhealthy substances such as nitrates, pesticide residues and contaminants.
Organic cows may produce healthier milk
Exploratory research into differences in raw (bulk) cow’s milk in February 2005 compared milk from 5 organic and 5 conventional farms in replicated trials. One clear difference in farm management was that organic cows eat less concentrate and forage maize, and more grass/clover and hay. The levels of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and omega 3 fatty acids were significantly higher in the organic milk. No unequivocal difference in taste was observed: the organic milk was generally creamier and tended to taste more of hay and grass than conventional milk. The state of health of the cows was determined by immunological research. This showed that organic cows are better equipped to fight off infections, and are therefore more robust than conventional cows. This evaluation of bovine health ties in with the hypothesis that a healthy soil produces a healthy crop, which leads to healthy animals and in turn to a healthy food product for healthy human beings.
In addition to the milk analysis two new analytical methods were used: biophotons and food crystallisations. These methods showed that organic milk is systematically more ‘ordered’: it has a more ‘ordered structure’ and better ‘integration and coordination’.
Milk of mothers who eat organic food contains more CLAs
If organic dairy products contain higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids than humans can synthesise for themselves, this is good news for human health. Omega-3 fatty acids in particular can be beneficial in strengthening the immune system, helping to prevent asthma, allergy and cardiovascular disease. Clearly the substances in the cow’s food ration are passed on to the infant via the mother’s milk. The final and most exciting question has yet to be answered: do these higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the mother’s milk produce demonstrable benefits for the infant?
Milk was chosen because the fatty acids in milk are currently a ‘hot item’. We tend to denigrate fat because we eat too much of the wrong kind of fat, but milk fats also have healthy properties.
Is organic always healthier?
Although many consumers are confident that organically grown products are healthier than conventionally grown ones, there is as yet insufficient scientific evidence to prove it. A number of evidential steps have been covered, but evidence has not been systematically gathered (step by step) in relation to a single product. Full scientific proof cannot be delivered until we have investigated the effects on human health of products grown under controlled organic conditions. In so doing it is important to consider health at the level of the substance and in terms of the degree of order.
EPrint Type: | Book |
Subjects: | Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health Animal husbandry > Production systems > Dairy cattle |
Research affiliation: | Netherlands > Louis Bolk Institute |
Deposited By: | Steinbuch, Luc |
ID Code: | 5437 |
Deposited On: | 07 Sep 2005 |
Last Modified: | 12 Apr 2010 07:31 |
Document Language: | Dutch/Nederlands |
Status: | Published |
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