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ProfiCost - Software for calculating full costs and contribution margins

{Tool} ProfiCost - Software for calculating full costs and contribution margins. [ProfiCost - Vollkosten und Deckungsbeiträge für den Anbau von Gemüse.] Creator(s): Michael, Jenni. Issuing Organisation(s): SZG - Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Gemüsebau und Spezialkulturen. (2018)

[thumbnail of csm_ProfiCost-2018-Gemuese-de-1200_c50cb30a14.jpg]
Image (JPEG) - Cover Image - German/Deutsch
[thumbnail of index.html] HTML - Published Version - German/Deutsch

Document available online at: https://www.szg.ch/proficost/proficost-gemuese/

Summary in the original language of the document

In addition to the standard calculations, your data can be entered and adapted to company-specific conditions. The effect of changing cost items is directly visible. In doing so, it raises awareness of effective optimizations. Further, various cultivation processes and harvesting methods (e.g. raw harvest or ready-made in the field), machines, irrigation systems, etc. are available to choose from. The cultivated area to be calculated can be individually adjusted. Graphical representations allow you to quickly identify the most significant costs and draw conclusions from them. The clear and concise structure of the cost structure makes the calculation comprehensible and comparability with other calculations of crops is ensure. The program is easy to use and does not require any additional software

Summary translation

Unter der Leitung der SZG hat die Arbeitsgruppe Betriebswirtschaft des Verbands Schweizer Gemüseproduzenten (VSGP) ProfiCost Gemüse komplett überarbeitet. Martin Koller vom FiBL hat vor allem bei der Berechnung der Biokulturen mitgearbeitet. Herausgekommen ist eine neue Software zur Vollkosten und Deckungsbeitragsberechnung mit aktualisierten Standardwerten für mehr als 90 konventionelle Kulturen (SGA) und für die 27 wichtigsten Biokulturen. Die Standardwerte können einfach auf die eigenen Produktionsabläufe angepasst werden und lassen so messerscharfe Kostenberechnungen für den eigenen Betrieb zu.

EPrint Type:Practice tool
Teaser:Software with updated standard values ​​for more than 90 crops, including organic.
What problem does the tool address?:For vegetable producers, vegetable growing consultants, educational institutes, trust companies and insurance companies, planning, pre- and final calculations are important elements of business management.
What solution does the tool offer?:For production companies, ProfiCost Vegetables is an important planning tool for various calculations. It is also used in consulting as a proven tool for business analysis and planning as well as in the context of basic and further training. It serves trust companies and insurance companies as a basis for official reports.
Type of Practice Tool:Calculation tools
Keywords:vegetables, vegetable crops, arm management, monitoring and evaluation, farm economics, agricultural economics, costs, information technology
Agrovoc keywords:
vegetable crops
farm management
monitoring and evaluation
farm economics -> agricultural economics
information technology
Subjects: Farming Systems > Farm economics
Crop husbandry > Production systems > Vegetables
Research affiliation: European Union > Horizon Europe > OrganicAdviceNetwork
European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge
Switzerland > Other organizations Switzerland
European Union > Horizon Europe > OrganicAdviceNetwork > selected tools
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:101134850
Related Links:https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/54328
Project ID:OFK
Deposited By: Rüger, Madelaine Lea
ID Code:54328
Deposited On:18 Nov 2024 08:57
Last Modified:02 Jan 2025 17:15
Document Language:German/Deutsch, French/Francais

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