DARCOF · Research > Darcof II > Tool for protection against contamination by GMO

Tool for protection against contamination by GMO

The increasing use of genetically modified plants (GMP) and the possible contamination of organic products may have serious consequences to consumer confidence and is a growing problem to crop management. A new Danish review has shown that specific actions are needed to secure in particular crops of oilseed rape, white and red clover, rye-grass and rye against GM pollen dispersal and hybridisation. Needs of relevant actions for taking precautions against GMP dispersal include: well-defined isolation distances between GMP-fields and organic fields, establishment of a safety zone around the organic field, and detection and monitoring of the dispersal of GMP to organic fields. The TOPRO project addresses these needs by development of a number of specific tools:

  1. Model of wind-dispersal of pollen

  2. Models of pollen dilution and insect pollination

  3. Monitoring tools and guidelines

  4. Methods for genetic detection of GMP dispersal

  5. Coordination of activities and scenarios for cultivation and land use.

The results of the project will be presented in a project report and in two scientific papers. The report and a summary of the project results, proposals and conclusions will be made available to organic farming through FØJO.


Project title
VI.3 Tool for protection against contamination by GMO

Project participants
Gösta Kjellsson, Senior Adviser, PhD,
Christian Damgaard, Senior Scientist, PhD,
Vibeke Simonsen, Senior Scientist, MSc,
National Environmental Research Institute,
Dep. of Terrestrial Ecology,
Vejlsøvej 25, DK-8600 Silkeborg. Tel.: 8920 1574,
fax.: 8920 1414,
E-mail: GK@dmu.dk

Jørgen Brandt, Senior Scientist, PhD,
Lise Marie Frohn, MSc,
Per Løfstrøm, Senior Meteorologist, MSc,
National Environmental Research Institute,
Dep. of Atmospheric Environment,
Frederiksborgvej 399, P. O. Boks 358, DK-4000 Roskilde.