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Towards a green transition in Danish aquaculture: Opportunities, challenges and new directions

Mathias, Middelboe and Moonika, Marana (2023) Towards a green transition in Danish aquaculture: Opportunities, challenges and new directions. .

[thumbnail of D4.2 AquaNet_Catalogue_final.pdf] PDF - Published Version - English

Summary in the original language of the document

AquaNet, the new Danish aquaculture organization, held its first symposium on Thursday, April 13, addressing a green transition in Danish aquaculture, including both opportunities, challenges and new directions. The increased focus on the need for producing high quality protein sustainably to feed the growing world population has drawn attention to the potential role of aquaculture in providing healthy food, and more than 100 participants from research, the industry and other sectors were gathered at the event to discuss potentials, solutions and challenges in an expansion of Danish aquaculture and a transformation of the sector towards more sustainable production. Overall, there was a strong agreement towards an expansion of sustainable aquaculture to be vital for the future blue/ green food
production. In the following, key topics and challenges together with solutions, which were identified at the symposium, have been summarized, in an attempt to cover the topics of the presentations as well as the diversity of opinions and arguments presented to the best of our ability.
The symposium covered 7 thematic sessions introducing key topics, challenges and potentials in the future development of Danish aquaculture by experts in each field and included panel debates and interaction and discussion between speakers, the panel and the audience.
Panel members (Roundtable discussions): Johan Wedel Nielsen, Aquamind A/S, Søren Laurentius Nielsen, Tænketanken HAV, Niels Dalsgaard, Dansk Akvakultur/Musholm, Hilary Karlson,
Bioøkonomisk Vækstcenter, Guldborgsund Kommune, Mikkel Detz Jensen, Biomar A/S

EPrint Type:Other
Agrovoc keywords:
transitional farming
organic aquaculture
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Production systems > Aquaculture
Research affiliation: Denmark > Organic RDD 8 > ORACLE-FISH
Deposited By: Jepsen, Lektor Per
ID Code:52983
Deposited On:04 Apr 2024 09:09
Last Modified:04 Apr 2024 09:09
Document Language:English

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