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Row crop cultivation - Sowing time for cover crops

{Tool} Row crop cultivation - Sowing time for cover crops. [RÆKKEDYRKNING - SÅTID FOR EFTERAFGRØDER.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2018)

[thumbnail of Saatid.pdf] PDF - Published Version - Danish/Dansk
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Document available online at: https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/34288/5/Saatid.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

The RowCrop system is a way of solving the contradiction between establishing cover crops together with the main crop and the ability to control weeds. Increased row spacing provides better establishment opportunities for cover crops with later sowing than normal row spacing. Sowing time and species selection Increased row spacing is inextricably linked to row cleaning, as the competitiveness of the crop is reduced. The balance between weed incidence, the competitiveness of the main crop and good conditions for establishing the catch crop is determines the number of row cleanings. Red clover has shown the most stable results across establishment times. Winter vetch has proven unsuitable in the RowCrop system, as the early establishment has resulted in harvest difficulties and no regrowth of regrowth after harvest.

Summary translation

RowCrop-systemet er et bud på at løse modsætningen mellem etablering af efterafgrøder sammen med hovedafgrøden og muligheden for at bekæmpe ukrudt. Øget rækkeafstand giver bedre etableringsmuligheder for efterafgrøderne ved senere såning end normal rækkeafstand. Såtidspunkt og artsvalg Øget rækkeafstand hænger uløseligt sammen med radrensning, da afgrødens konkurrenceevne er mindsket. Balancen mellem ukrudtsforekomst, hovedafgrødens konkurrenceevne og gode forhold for etablering af efterafgrøden er afgørende for antallet af radrensninger. Rødkløver har vist de mest stabile resultater på tværs af etableringstidspunkt. Vintervikke har vist sig uegnet i RowCrop-systemet, da den tidlige etablering har givet høstbesvær og ingen genvækst af vintervikke efter høst.

EPrint Type:Practice tool
Teaser:Learn about solving contradictions between establishing cover crops together, controling weeds, spacing ad sowing time.
What problem does the tool address?:The effect of catch crops is dependent on good establishment.
What solution does the tool offer?:With increased row spacing there is the possibility of establishment at the last row cleaning.
Type of Practice Tool:Practice abstracts
Keywords:cover plants, weed control, intercropping
Agrovoc keywords:
cover plants
weed control
Subjects: Crop husbandry
Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Crop husbandry > Weed management
Research affiliation: Denmark > SEGES
European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge
Related Links:https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/51726, https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/51723, https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/51725
Project ID:OFK
Deposited By: Rüger, Madelaine Lea
ID Code:51726
Deposited On:10 Jan 2024 08:23
Last Modified:02 May 2024 10:32
Document Language:Danish/Dansk

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