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Vom Aschenputtel zum Lieblingskind - zur politischen Förderung des Ökolandbaus

Dabbert, Stephan and Häring, Anna (2003) Vom Aschenputtel zum Lieblingskind - zur politischen Förderung des Ökolandbaus. [Organic farming: A grassroots movement taken over by policy?] GAIA, 12 (2), pp. 100-106.

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Summary in the original language of the document

The rapid development of organic farming over the last decade is partly due to increased consideration of organic farming in policy measures. Examining this view, this article briefly discusses the current state and development of the organic farming sector and three lines of justification for policy support for organic farming: organic farming supplies public goods; the organic farming sector can be defined as an infant industry; and organic farming should be supported for risk precaution. Then, based on the observation that policy makers consider organic farming support justified, an integrated approach to organic farming policy is outlined.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:Förderung, Umweltgüter, öffentliche Güter, Risikovorsorge, infant industry, public goods, risk precaution
Subjects: Food systems > Policy environments and social economy
"Organics" in general
Environmental aspects > Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Research affiliation: Germany > University of Hohenheim > Production Theory and Resource Economics
Related Links:http://www.gaia-online.net/
Deposited By: Bichler, Dipl.-Ing.sc.agr. Barbara
ID Code:4778
Deposited On:28 Apr 2005
Last Modified:12 Aug 2010 10:57
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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