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Interesting tomato traits for hobby variety selection (BRESOV Practice Abstract)

{Tool} Interesting tomato traits for hobby variety selection (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): jaime, prhoens; teodoro, cardi; pasquale, tripodi and sara, sestili. Issuing Organisation(s): UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 8. (2022)

[thumbnail of BRESOV_Practice Abstracts_8.pdf] PDF - Submitted Version - English
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Summary in the original language of the document

The fruit typology is the principal target to consider for selecting cultivars for hobby purposes. Tomato types with different shapes and sizes of berry are available. Some of these desired traits may then show up in the hybrids which can be left under natural pollination. In the genetically variable offspring plants with the desired traits can be selected.

EPrint Type:Practice tool
Teaser:So many shapes, colours and tastes - crossing varieties can produce interesting hybrids!
What problem does the tool address?:The fruit typology is the principal target to consider for selecting cultivars for hobby purposes. Tomato types with different shapes and sizes of the berry are available.
What solution does the tool offer?:When new combinations of traits are desired, crosses can be made between plants from varieties exhibiting the desired traits.
Type of Practice Tool:Practice abstracts
Keywords:vegetables, seed production
Agrovoc keywords:
seed production
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Breeding, genetics and propagation
Research affiliation: Spain > Polytechnic University of Valencia
European Union > Horizon 2020 > BRESOV
European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:774244
Related Links:https://twitter.com/farm_knowledge/status/1638821588236660736, https://www.facebook.com/organicfarmknowledge/posts/pfbid0zjcURqBjhwCxruoXD5MHJD8nxQUi9kvkZR2G2CruLeQFdpubLhkUwsQxYWVeqBnql, https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/44756
Project ID:ofk
Deposited By: schippa, giulia
ID Code:44756
Deposited On:12 Dec 2022 14:21
Last Modified:02 May 2024 10:32
Document Language:English

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