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Indirect regulation of aphids in organic stone fruit orchards with natural enemies (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)

{Tool} Indirect regulation of aphids in organic stone fruit orchards with natural enemies (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 070b. (2022)

[thumbnail of Indirect regulation of aphids in organic stone fruit orchards with natural enemies] PDF - Published Version - English (Indirect regulation of aphids in organic stone fruit orchards with natural enemies)
[thumbnail of ndirekte Regulierung von Blattläusen im ökologischen Steinobstanbau mit natürlichen Feinden] PDF - Published Version - German/Deutsch (ndirekte Regulierung von Blattläusen im ökologischen Steinobstanbau mit natürlichen Feinden)
[thumbnail of Régulation indirecte des pucerons dans les vergers de fruits à noyau bio grâce à des ennemis naturels] PDF - Published Version - French/Francais (Régulation indirecte des pucerons dans les vergers de fruits à noyau bio grâce à des ennemis naturels)
[thumbnail of 2023-04-21 16_06_03-Protokoll.png]
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Document available online at: https://orgprints.org/44730

Summary in the original language of the document

Aphids can be regulated without or with fewer plant protection applications, thanks to natural enemies.
Practical recommendations
Indirect regulation with natural enemies
The following natural enemies are effective in regulating the stone fruit aphids, e.g., the black cherry aphid:
• Hoverflies: Larvae feed on aphids (Picture 2). Adults need to feed on nectar and pollen (Picture 4).
• Ladybug: Larvae and adults feed on aphids (Picture 6, 7). Adults of some ladybug species also need pollen.
• Parasitic wasps: Adults lay their eggs within the aphids. The aspect of the parasitised aphid (aphid mum-my) is typical for each parasitoid (Pictures 9, 10, 11). Adults feed on nectar.
• Lacewings: Larvae feed on aphids (Picture 14). Adults feed on nectar, pollen, and honeydew (Picture 16).
These natural enemies can be released early in the season (March/April) and/or promoted by implementing flower strips around and within the orchard.

EPrint Type:Practice tool
What problem does the tool address?:Aphids are one of the main pests in modern organic stone fruit production, especially when covered with rain-protection roofs and closed with insect nets. Natural enemies are often present in too low quantities and/or come too late when the damage is already severe.
What solution does the tool offer?:Promote the natural regulation of the black cherry aphid by releasing natural enemies in the season and providing habitat and food sources to enable population growth (e.g., via flower strips).
Type of Practice Tool:Practice abstracts
Keywords:Temperate fruits, Stone fruits, Plant protection, Aphids, Functional biodiversity
Agrovoc keywords:
temperate fruits
stone fruits
plant protection
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Fruit and berries
Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Research affiliation: European Union > Horizon 2020 > Biofruitnet
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Crops > Special crops > Fruit
European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:862850
Related Links:https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/44730, https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/44729, https://biofruitnet.eu
Project ID:ofk
Deposited By: Basler, Andreas
ID Code:44730
Deposited On:10 Dec 2022 09:36
Last Modified:11 Sep 2024 11:00
Document Language:English, German/Deutsch, French/Francais

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