Managing experimental networks to support the design of crop mixtures: lessons from 11 cases

Chloe Salembier, Ane Kirstine Aare, Laurent Bedoussac, M Daniau, Abco de Buck, Iman R Chongtham, Christos Dordas, Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen, Marek Krysztoforski, Søren Lund, Boki Luske, Bertrand Pinel, Johannes Timaeus, Christina Vito, Robin Walker, Marina Wendling, Marie-Helene Jeuffroy

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearch


Agriculture face sustainability-related challenges and agroecology is put forward as a potential future model callling for novel designs of on-farm farming systems and for the renewal of methods used by agricultural R&D to support these processes (Meynard et al., 2012). Design requires that farmers and stakeholders organize to acquire knowledge and know-how on agroecological systems, such as species mixtures. Through several decades, experimentation has been the most widespread scientific method to generate knowledge to support re-design (e.g. Ronner et al., 2019; Vereijken, 1997). To foster agroecology in practice, an increasing number of articles insists on the importance to develop participatory experiments (e.g. Snapp, 2002) and to value the interests of experimental networks (ENs), i.e. articulating experiments in different agricultural situations (e.g. Navarrete et al., 2018). However, as far as we know, no work focused on the contributions of such ENs to redesign in agriculture. Given these statements, in this research, our objective is to shed light on relations between ways of managing an EN, and its contributions to the design of agroecological systems.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date21 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2021
Event7th Farming System Design Webinars: Designing Climate Smart Agricultural Systems for a Sustainable Transition in the Agri-food Systems of the Dry Areas - Online, Tunisia
Duration: 21 Mar 202124 Mar 2021
Conference number: 7


Conference7th Farming System Design Webinars
OtherGiven the global status with the COVID-19 pandemic, the FSD7 scientific committee decided to postpone the symposium by one year (20-23 March 2022). In order to keep the momentum, and the dynamic around the preparation of this important time for the FSD community of agri-food systems researchers, we are organizing a series of short and interactive webinars in March 2021.<br/><br/>This symposium aims to discuss findings and initiatives for dryland agri-food systems, using as an entry point of integration (down to the field and up to landscape, market and ecosystems) the farm household and its role in sustainable food production within an uncertain climatic and socio-economic context. After the 6th FSD symposium in Montevideo, Uruguay (August 18-21, 2019) on “Agricultural systems design sustained by nature” the 7th symposium in Tunisia will focus on "Designing Climate Smart Agricultural Systems for a Sustainable Transition in the Agri-food Systems of the Dry Areas".<br/><br/>Beyond this focus, the symposium is also open to other subjects if they can contribute to the FSD informal interdisciplinary scientific community of practice to promote research and capacity building on farming systems design.
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  • sustainability
  • agriculture
  • co-design
  • Farmer participation

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