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Does structural enrichment support the welfare of farmed rainbow trout juveniles in indoor facilities?

Gesto, Manuel and Jokumsen, Alfred (2021) Does structural enrichment support the welfare of farmed rainbow trout juveniles in indoor facilities? [Styrker ”strukturelle miljøer”/skjul velfærd hos regnbueørreder i indendørs opdræt?] Speech at:

[thumbnail of D2.3_Abstract Aq Europe 2021.pdf] PDF - Published Version - English
[thumbnail of D2.3_Abstract in congress book.pdf] PDF - English
[thumbnail of D2.3_Presentation EAS 2021.pptx] Microsoft PowerPoint - English

Summary in the original language of the document

One of the aims of the Shelterfish project was to test whether simple shelters, easy to produce, install and remove, might have similar beneficial effects for fish welfare in aquaculture as observed before for fish used for re-stocking.
The experiments performed showed that fish have a clear preference for shelter use and that shelters had no negative effects on the fish growth performance. These results alone can be considered positive for fish welfare, since animal preference is an important welfare aspect. However, effects on external lesions and general health were modest, and the ability of the fish to deal with stress was not altered. There is likely room for optimization in the use of shelters and other types of enrichment for increasing the welfare of farmed fish. In the particular case of the use of shelters for salmonid farming, shelter effects seem to depend on many different factors and there is a need for further research to optimize their use in terms of shelter type, sheltering extent and timing for its application during the fish life cycle.

Summary translation

Et af formålene med Shelterfish projektet var at undersøge hvorvidt simple skjul, der var enkle at fremstille, installere og flytte rundt, kunne have tilsvarende positive effekter på fiskevelfærd i akvakultur som observeret for fisk ved gen-udsætning.
De udførte undersøgelser viste, at fiskene havde en klar præference for skjul og at skjul ikke have negative effekter på fiskevækst. Alene disse resultater kan anses for positive for fiske velfærd, idet dyre præferencer er et vigtigt velfærds aspekt. Ydre læsioner og den almindelige helbredstilstand var moderate, ligesom fiskenes stress tolerance ikke var påvirket af mulighed for skjul. Der er potentiale for optimering i brugen af skjul og andre typer ”miljøer” med henblik på øgning af velfærd hos opdrætsfisk. I forhold til anvendelse af skjul til opdræt af laksefisk, synes effekten af skjul at afhænge af mange forskellige faktorer og der er behov for yderligere forskning til optimering af typen af skjul, omfanget af skjul og relevante tidspunkter for brug af skjul gennem fiskens livscyklus.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Speech
Keywords:Rainbow trout, shelter, welfare, organic aquaculture
Agrovoc keywords:
Rainbow trout -> Oncorhynchus mykiss
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Production systems
Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Aquaculture
Research affiliation: Denmark > Organic RDD 4 > ShelterFish
Deposited By: Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred
ID Code:42551
Deposited On:13 Oct 2021 08:36
Last Modified:13 Oct 2021 08:36
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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