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Biogaserzeugungspotential aus Gülle und Koppelprodukten in viehhaltenden und viehlosen Betriebssystemen des ökologischen Landbaus

Möller, Dr. Kurt; Stinner, Walter; Deuker, Arno and Leithold, Prof. Dr. Günter (2005) Biogaserzeugungspotential aus Gülle und Koppelprodukten in viehhaltenden und viehlosen Betriebssystemen des ökologischen Landbaus. [Potential of biogas production by using slurry and coupled products in organic farming systems with and without animal husbandry.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

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Summary in the original language of the document

In two agricultural systems with and without animal husbandry the potential to produce renewable energy by digesting slurry and organic residues to biogas were assessed. In comparison to some other methods of energy production by biomass biogas production has the advantage of keeping the nutrients of the substrates within the agricultural system. They can be used as fertilisers.
In the investigated system with milk production (0,8 cows ha-1, 8 crops, among them 4 cereals, peas, potatoes and 2 clover grasses with catch crops after winter cereals and peas (see DEUKER et al. 2005), it is possible not only to ferment slurry, but also catch crops and straw of peas and cereals. The methan production potential by digesting only slurry is the equivalent of around 327 l diesel fuel ha-1. By digesting a well developed catch crop it is possible to harvest the equivalent of around 750 l diesel fuel per ha.-1 sown with such crops. Related to the whole system with 4 catch crops within 8 fields it is possible just by including catch crops in the fermentation process with slurry to duplicate the methan harvest of the digesting plant to around 700 l diesel fuel ha-1 a-1. By utilisation of biomass like the straw of peas and other residues it is possible to generate the equivalent of approx. 450 l diesel fuel ha-1. Total biogas production potential by including all fermentable biomass is the equivalent of approx. 1150 l diesel fuel per each ha and year. Usually one third of this energy is necessary to temperate the digester, one third can be converted to electricity and one third can be used to heat buildings in the neighbourhood of the fermentation plant.
In a typical stockless organic agricultural system composed of six crops (clover gras, potatoes, winter wheat, peas, winter wheat and summer wheat with undersown clover grass, with catch crops after winter wheat and peas, see STINNER et al. 2005) biomass of clover grass and catch crops will normally be left on the field and incorporated in the soil. By fermentation of clover grass there is a biogas production potential of around the equivalent of 3300 to 4700 l diesel fuel ha-1 a-1. Digesting catch crops allows a methan yield of ca. 650 to 700 l diesel fuel ha-1, digestion of other residues like straw other 1250 to 1350 l diesel ha-1. The total energy production potential of the whole crop rotation system is the equivalent of around 1700 to 1800 l diesel per ha and year. Removal of crop residues is coupled with removal of substantial quantities of nitrogen, reducing the residual mineralisable nitrogen amounts on fields at the end of the vegetation period and the risk of nitrate leaching.

Summary translation

Es werden die Erzeugungspotenzialse für Methangas durch Biogasbergärung für eine viehlose und eine viehhaltende Fruchtfolge des ökologischen Landbaus berechnet. Aus den Berechnungen geht hervor, dass im ökologischen Landbau nur durch die Nutzung der Exkremente aus dem Stall, der anfallenden Zwischenfruchtaufwüchse und der Koppelprodukte – ohne zusätzlichen gezielten Anbau von Energiepflanzen, ein Vielfaches der Energie erzeugt werden kann, die für die Bewirtschaftung der Ackerflächen benötigt wird. Der größte Anteil des Biogaserzeugungspotenzials ist im abgebildeten viehhaltenden System mit der Nutzung von pflanzlichen Gärsubstraten verbunden. Im dargestellten viehlosen Betriebssystem hat die Nutzung des Kleegra-ses die höchste Bedeutung für das Gesamterzeugungspotenzial an Methan. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Nutzung von Kleegras-, Zwischenfruchtaufwüchsen und Kop-pelprodukten die Entfernung von erheblichen Mengen an Stickstoff im Sommer und Herbst von den Flächen, dies reduziert die Nitratauswaschungsgefahr über Winter um etwa 10 %.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:Biogas, regenerative Energien, erneuerbare Energien
Subjects: Food systems > Recycling, balancing and resource management
Crop husbandry > Composting and manuring
Environmental aspects > Air and water emissions
Research affiliation: International Conferences > 2005: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture
Germany > University of Gießen > Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding II
Deposited By: Möller, PD Dr. Kurt
ID Code:3706
Deposited On:05 Mar 2005
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:30
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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