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Norwegian farmers’ willingness to participate in a local climate crowdfunding program - results from a national survey

Otte, Pia Piroschka; Zahl-Thanem, Alexander and Hansen, Sissel (Eds.) (2019) Norwegian farmers’ willingness to participate in a local climate crowdfunding program - results from a national survey. [Norske bønders vilje til å delta i et program for folkefinansiering av klimatiltak på gårdsbruk - resultat fra en nasjonal undersøkelse.] Ruralis report, no. R-5/2019. Ruralis, Trondheim.

[thumbnail of Rapport 5_19 Norwegian farmers willingness to participate in a local climate crowdfunding program - results from a national survey. P.Otte A. Zahl-Thanem S. Hansen a.pdf] PDF - Published Version - English

Summary in the original language of the document

This report presents a main deliverable of work package 3 in the Coolcrowd project, an international research project funded by the Research Council of Norway. The aim of the project is to develop a crowdfunding program that would enable travelers to offset their GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions locally by supporting Norwegian farmers who want to adopt more climate friendly practices. The main objective of WP3 is to identify farmers’ interest in participating in a locally crowdfunded climate program. The report analyzes the findings of a national survey investigating farmers’ interest in climate change, particularly mitigation and a local crowdfunding program.

Summary translation

Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra en representativ nasjonal undersøkelse av norske gårdbrukere, hvor målet blant annet er å identifisere deres interesse for å delta i lokale folkefinansierte klimaprogram.

EPrint Type:Report
Keywords:Crowdfunding, agriculture, climate change, business models, Folkefinansiering, landbruk, klimaforandringer, Coolcrowd, forretningsmodeller
Subjects: Farming Systems
Farming Systems > Social aspects
Environmental aspects > Air and water emissions
Environmental aspects
Research affiliation: Norway > RURALIS – Institute for Rural and Regional Research
Norway > NORSØK - Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture
Norway > Other organizations Norway
Deposited By: Hansen, Sissel
ID Code:35545
Deposited On:19 Jun 2019 06:52
Last Modified:19 Jun 2019 06:52
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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