Hansen, Martin N.; Birkmose, Torkild; Mortensen, Børge and Skaaning, Kent (editor): Correll, Anders (Ed.) (2004) Miljøeffekter af bioforgasning og separering af gylle - indflydelse på lugt, ammoniakfordampning og kvælstofudnyttelse. [Environmental effects of anaerobic digestion and separation of slurry - odour, ammonia emission and nitrogen utilisation.] Grøn Viden, Markbrug, no. 296. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Dep. of Agricultural Engineering.
- English
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Document available online at: http://web.agrsci.dk/djfpublikation/djfpdf/gvma296.pdf
Summary in the original language of the document
Risikoen for ammoniaktab under lagring er højere for bioforgasset og separeret gylle, men effektiv overdækning af gyllelagre begrænser effektivt tabet. Med et effektivt flydelag er tabet ens for behandlet og ubehandlet gylle. Bioforgasning og separering af gylle begrænser ammoniaktabet i forbindelse med gyllens udbringning, effekten er højst af separering. Bioforgasning og separering af gylle fører ikke til mærkbar begrænsning af lugtgener fra gyllelagre, lugtgenerne kan dog effektivt begrænses ved effektiv overdækning af lagre. Lugtgenerne i forbindelse med udbringning af gylle er lavere ved udbringning af bioforgasset og separeret gylle end ved udbringning af ubehandlet gylle.
Bioforgasset gylle og separeret gylle giver en højere kvælstofudnyttelse end ubehandlet gylle. Forårsudbragt fiberfraktion giver en kvælstofudnyttelse på 45-50 pct. Efterårsudbragt fiber giver en lavere kvælstofudnyttelse. Tørret og pelleteret fiberfraktion giver en relativ svag kvælstofudnyttelse.
Summary translation
A study was set up to investigate the environmental effects of anaerobic digestion and separa-tion of slurry. Volatilisation of odour and ammonia from treated and untreated slurry were compared both during storage and following land application. It was found that ammonia volatilisation was higher from uncovered stores of anaerobically digested and separated slurry than from untreated slurry, however, when slurry stores were covered efficiently, the loss rate was low and equal for treated and untreated slurry. Ammonia volatilisation following land application was found to be lower from both anaerobically digested and separated slurry compared to untreated slurry. Treatment of slurry by anaerobic digestion and separation did not reduce odour nuisances during storage, however, odour nuisance from slurry stores was found to be efficiently reduced by an artificial crust cover of the slurry stores. During land application the odour nuisances were found to be lower for anaerobically digested and separated slurry than for untreated slurry
EPrint Type: | Report |
Keywords: | Bioforgasning, separering, husdyrgødning, gylle, miljø |
Subjects: | Food systems > Recycling, balancing and resource management Crop husbandry > Composting and manuring |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > AU - Aarhus University > AU, DJF - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Denmark > SOAR - Research School for Organic Agriculture and Food Systems |
Deposited By: | Hansen, Scientist Martin N |
ID Code: | 3517 |
Deposited On: | 04 Oct 2004 |
Last Modified: | 12 Apr 2010 07:29 |
Document Language: | Danish/Dansk |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Peer-reviewed and accepted |
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