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Technical factsheet: Apple blossom weevil in organic farming

{Tool} Technical factsheet: Apple blossom weevil in organic farming. [Fiche technique : Anthonome du pommier en AB.] Creator(s): Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Brenner, Johanna; Stoeffel, Antoine; Corroyer, Nathalie; Tournant, Ludovic; Navarro, Jean-Michel; Gandubert, Benjamin; Le Maguet, Jean and Albert, Laurence. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2016)

[thumbnail of Fiche technique Anthonome A4 Web Parveaud.pdf] PDF - Published Version - French/Francais
[thumbnail of 2023-09-19 13_37_19-Fiche technique Anthonome A4 Web Parveaud.pdf.png]
Image (PNG) - Cover Image - English

Document available online at: http://www.itab.asso.fr/downloads/Fiches-techniques_arbo/ftanthonome.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

Controlling so-called secondary pests is a growing concern for arboriculturists. The greater selectivity of the plant protection methods partly explains the increase in their presence. In the current phytosanitary context, it is essential to characterize the risks and identify the solutions available to control these pests. The apple maggot is a pest whose damage intensity in orchards the intensity of damage in orchards has increased over the last few decades in many regions of Europe. Several studies report damage intensities of up to up to 90%, calling into question the medium-term profitability of the crop in the medium term.

Summary translation

Le contrôle des ravageurs dits secondaires préoccupe de plus en plus les arboriculteurs. La plus grande sélectivité des méthodes de protection phytosanitaire utilisées explique en partie l’augmentation de leur présence. Dans le contexte phytosanitaire actuel, il est primordial de caractériser les risques et d’identifier les solutions disponibles pour contrôler ces ravageurs. L’anthonome du pommier est un ravageur dont l’intensité des dégâts en verger a augmenté au cours des dernières décennies dans de nombreuses régions en Europe. Plusieurs travaux rapportent une intensité des dégâts pouvant atteindre 90%, remettant en cause la rentabilité économique à moyen terme de la culture.

EPrint Type:Practice tool
Teaser:How to recognize, evaluate and manage the apple blossom weevil in organic apple orchards.
What problem does the tool address?:The apple weevil, Anthonomus pomorum (L.), is a beetle of the Cucurlionidae family (weevil) and poses a great challenge for organic apple growers.
What solution does the tool offer?:This tool offers informations on how to: 1) Recognize and know the pest. 2) Evaluate its presence in the orchard. 3) Know the risk factors and control methods in organic farming.
Type of Practice Tool:Leaflets & guidelines
Theme:Pest and disease control
Keywords:pest control, integrated pest management, apple blossom weevil, anthonomus pomorum
Agrovoc keywords:
pest control
integrated pest control -> integrated pest management
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Research affiliation: France > GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture biologique
France > ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture Biologique
European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge
Related Links:https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/35118, https://x.com/farm_knowledge/status/1798302485259661814, https://www.facebook.com/organicfarmknowledge/posts/pfbid0N8hw83kETvKuJhb7DCycbfnr2Sc2H6kQviZb92afEicyeoo67BgeomDp3rhLEer2l
Project ID:OFK
Deposited By: Parveaud, Dr Claude-Eric
ID Code:35118
Deposited On:02 Apr 2019 12:13
Last Modified:05 Jun 2024 10:37
Document Language:French/Francais
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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