Larsen, Erling P. (2018) Summery and conclusion of the market possibility for Danish organic trout. [Resume og konklusion på markeds muligheder for danske økologiske ørreder.] .
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Summary in the original language of the document
The last part of WP 6 Market Possibilities, are dealing with the market aspects of organic rainbow trout. There has been used three different approaches:
1. The position of the organic trout compared to other options of organic fat fish species in Denmark and Germany
2. The consumers perception of organic fish – especially organic trout
3. A market analysis of the future potential of organic trout in selected European countries.
The first approach looked into the possibility for organic trout to achieve a price premium over conventional farmed trout. Because it is too premature to be able to find valid results, salmon is used as an example. Both if the amount of produced organic trout is growing and if eco-labeled trout is introduced, such as ASC – label. This last part illustrated by the introduction of MSC – labels in the wild fish from marine areas. An interesting survey has been done with Germans consumers, comparing the impact of Animal Welfare and Environmental Information.
The second approach looked into the consumer’s perception of organic trout. This has been done by comparing surveys and conducting focus groups studies in Germany. Among the results are a general perception that farmed fish can be compared with farmed agriculture animals. This gives a negative perception. There is a variety of organic labels used in Germany and these have a high degree of trustworthiness and are used promoting the organic trout products. Denmark is regarded as a country with high standards in sustainability and esthetical issues.
The third approach has been a market analyses in selected European countries. The analysis has been based on interviews, visits to shops and exhibitions/trade shows, literature and statistics. Germany is the biggest market for Danish produced organic trout. One of the main results is that there is an increasing demand on organic fish products in Europe. And that at present there is a 30 % higher price for organic fish products, than on non-organic products.
The overall conclusion:
• Positive market potentials for Danish produced organic trout at the European market place
• Price premiums on organic trout will sustain in the short run
• Specific segments of the consumers prefer organic salmonids
• Organic labels and information of animal welfare has a positive effect on the consumers preference
• German consumers have a positive attitude towards Danish production of organic trout and consider it trustworthy.
Comments to the overall conclusion
All three approaches towards the possible future market for Danish produced organic trout are positive. Denmark is highly regarded as a reliable producer of organic products and among them organic trout. Besides the home market, the German and Austrian markets are the most promising market places. The price premium for organic trout is between 25 % to 35% higher than the non-organic products.
The Danish production of organic trout have over the last decade been growing from nearly nothing to more than 1200 tons, but have the last year dropped back again - below 1.000 tons. There are several reasons for this drop, but with a production that low, the annual production is very exposed to change in production sites and substitutes to help conventional fish farmers to change to organic production.
Summary translation
Som den sidste del af arbejdspakke 6, er det valgt at lave en samlet konklusion for markedsmulighederne for økologisk ørred. Der har været valgt tre forskellige tilgange til at belyse markedsmulighederne:
i) Markedsøkonomisk position for økologisk ørred sammenlignet med andre økologisk fisk – primært laks
ii) Forbrugernes opfattelse af økologisk fisk – specielt økologisk ørred
iii) Markedsanalyse af det fremtidige potentiale for økologisk ørred i udvalgte europæiske lande
Den første tilgang har set på mulighederne for økologisk ørred til at opnå en merpris i forhold til konventionel produceret ørred. På grund af den relative lille markedsandel og manglende statiske oplysninger, er økologisk laks blev valgt som eksempel.
Den anden tilgang har set på forbrugernes opfattelse af økologisk ørred. Der er, på baggrund af en gennemgang af tilgængeligt materiale fra sammenlignende undersøgelser, foretaget flere fokus gruppe interviews i Tyskland, fordi Tyskland er uden sammenligning det største marked for dansk produceret økologisk ørred. Det blev konstateret, at der stadig sker en sammenligning mellem opdræts fisk (ørred) og industriel producerede landbrugsprodukter som f.eks. svin. Dette giver en negativ opfattelse af blandt andet økologisk ørred. Der er en god mulighed i at benytte de anerkendte økologiske mærker som Naturland, Bioland og Demeter. Danmark har et godt ry som producentland med en høj bæredygtighed og etik.
Den tredje tilgang har været en markedsanalyse i udvalgte europæiske lande. Undersøgelsen har været baseret på interviews, besøg i forretninger og på udstillinger, samt tilgængelig litteratur og statistik. Tyskland har været hovedfokus pga af sin stilling som det dominerende marked for dansk økologisk ørred. Et af resultaterne var, at der er god efterspørgsel på økologisk ørred og at disse produkter indbringer en merpris på 30 % over konventionel produceret ørred.
EPrint Type: | Report |
Keywords: | Organic rainbow trout, market, added value, price premium, consumer |
Subjects: | Farming Systems > Farm economics Animal husbandry > Health and welfare Values, standards and certification > Consumer issues |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > Organic RDD 2 > RobustFish |
Deposited By: | Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred |
ID Code: | 33601 |
Deposited On: | 23 Aug 2018 10:13 |
Last Modified: | 23 Aug 2018 10:13 |
Document Language: | English |
Status: | Submitted |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
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