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Confirmation that pulse and continuous peracetic acid administration does not disrupt the acute stress response in rainbow trout

Gesto, Manuel; Liu, Dibo; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Meinelt, Thomas; Strauss, David L. and Jokumsen, Alfred (2018) Confirmation that pulse and continuous peracetic acid administration does not disrupt the acute stress response in rainbow trout. [Bekræftelse på at puls og kontinuert pereddike syre behandling ikke påvirker den akutte stress respons i regnbueørred.] Aquaculture, 492, pp. 190-194. [In Press]

[thumbnail of Gesto et al. Confirmation that pulse and continuous peracetic acid administration does not disrupt the acute stress response in rainbow trout_.pdf]
PDF - English

Document available online at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0044848617325012

Summary in the original language of the document

Peracetic acid (PAA) is considered an eco-friendly alternative to other antimicrobial agents of common use in aquaculture. The literature suggests that fish can habituate to PAA exposure based on a reduction of the fish corticosteroid response to PAA administration after repeated exposures. If that is true, PAA would also be a good option from the point of view of fish physiology. However, stronger evidence is needed to confirm that the use of PAA is welfare-friendly to fish. Besides habituation, other hypothetical factors such as desensitization, physiological exhaustion or PAA-mediated endocrine disruption could potentially explain the reduction in the corticosteroid response after repeated/prolonged PAA exposure. In this study, rainbow trout that had been exposed to PAA for several weeks were challenged with a secondary chasing stressor: fish were pursued with a dipnet for 1 min and their acute response was evaluated by measuring plasma cortisol, plasma glucose, plasma lactate and brain serotonergic activity. All fish were equally able to mount a normal physiological stress response to the secondary stressor independent of previous exposure to PAA. This suggests that the decrease in the cortisol response after repeated exposure to PAA, as seen in previous studies, is a true habituation to PAA administration, which supports the use of PAA as a welfare-friendly antimicrobial agent in aquaculture

Summary translation

Pereddikesyre (PAA) anses for at være et miljøvenligt alternativ til andre almindelige antimikrobielle stoffer i akvakultur. Ifølge litteraturen kan fisk tilpasse sig PAA behandling ved en reduktion i cortisol responsen ved gentagne behandlinger med PAA. Såfremt dette er tilfældet vil PAA også være en god mulighed i et fiske fysiologisk perspektiv. I dette studie blev regnbueørred, der havde været udsat for PAA i mange uger udsat for “jagt stress” med et net i 1 min, og det akutte stress respons blev bedømt ud fra målinger af plasma kortisol, plasma glukose, plasma laktat and hjerne serotonin aktivitet. Alle fisk udviste normal fysiologisk stress respons overfor “jagt stress” uafhængigt af tidligere behandling med PAA. Som vist i tidligere studier, tyder nedgangen i kortisol responsen efter gentagen behandling med PAA, på en tilvænning til PAA behandling, som understøtter brugen af PAA som et velfærds-venligt antimikrobielt stof i akvakultur.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:Peracetic acid, rainbow trout, stress, cortisol, habituation
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Research affiliation: Denmark > Organic RDD 2 > RobustFish
Deposited By: Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred
ID Code:32935
Deposited On:20 Apr 2018 10:42
Last Modified:20 Apr 2018 10:42
Document Language:English
Status:In Press
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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