Canibe, Nuria; Højberg, Ole; Grevsen, Kai and Jensen, Martin (2018) Ramsløg og tyttebær har markant antimikrobiel virkning. [Ramsons and lingonberries have a marked antimicrobial effect.] Økolopgi og Erhverv, 9 February 2018, 626, pp. 10-11.
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Summary in the original language of the document
Artiklen beskriver in vivo forsøg med levende smågrise, der fodres enten med standard fravænningsfoder eller med samme foder tilsat en plantecocktaikl af ramsløg og tyttebær. Forsøget viste at grisene fodret med plantecocktail fik op mod 100 gange lavere E coli koncentration målt i mave-tarm og i afføring end hos grisene, der fik standard foder. Resultatet er lovende i forhold til at finde nye løsninger mod fravænningsdiarré når zink udfases og antibiotika ønskes reduceret.
Summary translation
The paper describes the results of an in vivo trial with weaning piglets fed with standard feed or with feed supplemented with a plant cocktail of ramsons and lingonberries. The pigs fed with the plant cocktail showed up to 100 times lower concentration of E coli in stomach, intestines and in faeces. Thus, these plants may be promissing as a new solution against weaning diarrhea in piglets when medical zinc is phased out in EU latest in 2022 and use of antibiotics should be reduced also.
EPrint Type: | Newspaper or magazine article |
Keywords: | antibacterial plant based feed additives, E coli inhibition, weaning diarrhea |
Subjects: | Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth Animal husbandry > Health and welfare |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > AU - Aarhus University > Faculty of Science and Technology > Department of Animal Science Denmark > Organic RDD 2.2 > MAFFRA |
Deposited By: | Jensen, Dr. Martin |
ID Code: | 32903 |
Deposited On: | 13 Apr 2018 09:05 |
Last Modified: | 13 Apr 2018 09:05 |
Document Language: | Danish/Dansk |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
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