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Züchterische Bearbeitung von Süßlupinen für den ökologischen Landbau – Erste Ergebnisse zu Ertrags- und Qualitätsuntersuchungen

Jansen, Gisela; Jürgens, Hans-Ulrich; Kuhlmann, Josy and Flamme, Wilhelm (2005) Züchterische Bearbeitung von Süßlupinen für den ökologischen Landbau – Erste Ergebnisse zu Ertrags- und Qualitätsuntersuchungen. [Breeding of lupines for the ecological farming – First results regarding yield and quality investigations.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

[thumbnail of 3286.pdf] PDF - German/Deutsch

Summary in the original language of the document

Lupines will be provided as feeding stuff with high quality for the organic farming. Therefore breeding selection of lupines and a complex quality analysis are necessary. In addition to agronomical characteristics quality parameters are estimated, such as protein content, amino acid composition, fat, fatty acid composition, starch and sugar as well as antinutritive substances (non-starch polysaccharides and alkaloides). On the basis of determined data, NIR/NIT-calibrations are developed as breeding relevant methods. The project serves to both opening up and use of genetic resources and breeding of lupines suitable for ecological cultivation.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Poster
Keywords:Züchtung, Tierernährung, BÖL, BOEL, Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau, FKZ 03OE355, Süßlupinen
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Cereals, pulses and oilseeds
Crop husbandry > Breeding, genetics and propagation
Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth
Research affiliation: International Conferences > 2005: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture
Germany > Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants - JKI > Institute of Resistance Research and Stress Tolerance
Germany > Federal Organic Farming Scheme - BOEL > Plants > Pflanzenzüchtung
Related Links:http://www.bundesprogramm-oekolandbau.de, http://www.bundesprogramm.de/fkz=03OE355, http://orgprints.org/perl/search/advanced?addtitle%2Ftitle=&keywords=03OE355&projects=BOEL&_order=bypublication&_action_search=Suchen
Deposited By: Seddig, Dr. Sylvia
ID Code:3286
Deposited On:05 Mar 2005
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:29
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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