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Eiweiß- und Energieversorgung in 34 konventionellen und ökologischen Milchviehherden Ergebnisse aus einem Netzwerk von Pilotbetrieben

Hinterstoißer, P.; Schulz, Franz; Schüler, Maximilian; Wagner, Kathrin; Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig and Paulsen, Hans Marten (2017) Eiweiß- und Energieversorgung in 34 konventionellen und ökologischen Milchviehherden Ergebnisse aus einem Netzwerk von Pilotbetrieben. Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017.

[thumbnail of Eiweiß- und Energieversorgung in 34 konventionellen und.pdf]
PDF - German/Deutsch

Summary in the original language of the document

For reasons of animal health, milk yield and for environmental issues an optimal supply of protein and energy for dairy cows is essential. The aim of this study is to
examine potential protein and energy malnutrition and surplus in dairy herds. We present a comparison of the protein and energy supply between 18 conventional and
16 organic dairy herds. Initial results indicate an undersupply on energy in the first one hundred days of lactation in both the organic and conventional feeding regimes. It is easier to provide an adequate protein supply in conventional conditions in the first one hundred days than in organic ones. A balanced supply is guaranteed for a mere 21,3 % of the organic cows. In the second one hundred days this increases to 26,5 %, compared to 51,7 % in conventional ones. In high yielding organic dairy herds there is a shortage in energy and protein in the second one hundred days as well. In low yielding organic herds a surplus on protein over the whole lactation with possible
negative effects on animal health and ammonia emissions is observed. Once more these first results demonstrate the difficulty of providing a balanced nutrition in organic
dairy herds.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:dairy, nutrition, N efficiency, emissions, animal health
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Production systems > Dairy cattle
Food systems > Policy environments and social economy
Research affiliation: Germany > Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries - VTI
International Conferences > 2017: Scientific Conference German Speaking Countries > Socioeconomics
Deposited By: Hasreiter, Anna
ID Code:31926
Deposited On:04 Jul 2017 17:19
Last Modified:04 Jul 2017 17:19
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:Dieser Beitrag ist im Tagungsband der 14. Wissenschaftstagung erschienen.
S. Wolfrum, H. Heuwinkel, H.J. Reents, u.a. (Hrsg.) (2017): Ökologischen Landbau weiterdenken - Verantwortung übernehmen - Vertrauen stärken. Beiträge der 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Freising-Weihenstephan, 7.-10. März 2017
Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin

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