Nielsen, Thorkild (2017) Does organic farmed fish exist? ICROFS News, 16 June 2017, pp. 1-2.
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Summary in the original language of the document
Most part of the Danish organic fish production is currently exported to Germany and due to this the research project RobustFish has investigated the perception of organic fish among German consumers. In cooperation with Fachhochschule Münster Aalborg University has made a survey among German consumers on how they perceive organic fish.
The investigations showed that the perception of organic fish is influenced by their general perception of farmed fish and their perception of agricultural production. Many consumers have a negative perception of farmed fish and rank the production alongside the industrialized agriculture – often contradicting the catch of vild fish in the sea.
Specific for Germany is the existence of regional and local certified products, e.g. Naturland, Bioland, Demeter mm. These conditions are significant to the general perception of organic products among German consumers.
Apparently, consumers have only minor knowledge about the rules for organic fish production – and the rules are difficult to communicate. Hence, a focused communication strategy with factual information about organic aquaculture is needed.
Summary translation
Den overvejende del af den danske økologiske fiskeproduktion afsættes i dag i Tyskland, og det er også baggrunden for, at forskningsprojektet RobustFish har analyseret tyske forbrugers opfattelse af økologiske fisk. I samarbejde med Fachhochschule Münster har Aalborg Universitet interviewet en række tyske forbrugere om deres opfattelse af økologisk fisk.
Resultatet af denne undersøgelse peger på, at forbrugernes opfattelse af økologisk fisk er påvirket af deres syn på opdrættet fisk i almindelighed samt deres syn på landbrugsproduktion. Mange forbrugere opfatter produktionen af opdrættet fisk som negativ og sidestiller produktionen med det industrialiserede landbrug – ofte i modsætning til fangst af vilde fisk i havet.
Forbrugere har tilsyneladende ringe kendskab til reglerne for økologisk fiskeproduktion - og reglerne er vanskelige at kommunikere. Derfor kræves en målrettet formidlingskampagne med saglig information om økologisk akvakultur.
EPrint Type: | Newspaper or magazine article |
Keywords: | Organic fish, aquaculture, consumer |
Subjects: | Farming Systems > Farm economics Farming Systems > Social aspects |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > Organic RDD 2 > RobustFish |
Deposited By: | Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred |
ID Code: | 31754 |
Deposited On: | 14 Aug 2017 09:04 |
Last Modified: | 14 Aug 2017 09:04 |
Document Language: | English |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
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