Hovi, Malla; Sundrum, Albert and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) (2004) Organic livestock farming: potential and limitations of husbandry practice to secure animal health and welfare and food quality. SAFO Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming. A European Commission funded Concerted Action Project. Proceedings of 2nd SAFO Workshop, Witzenhausen, Germany, 25.-27.03.2004.
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Document available online at: http://www.safonetwork.org/publications/wp2pub/2_SAFO_pro.pdf
Summary in the original language of the document
Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming (SAFO) is an European Commission funded project, with the objective to contribute to improved animal health and food safety in organic livestock production systems in existing and candidate member countries of the European Union. Workshops form a central part of the SAFO activities. This volume, with the contributions to the 2nd SAFO Workshop in Witzenhausen, Germany in March 2004, is one in a series of five proceedings published during the lifetime of the project (2003-2006). Electronic version of the proceedings will also be available at the SAFO web-site at http://www.safonetwork.org/.
The 2nd SAFO workshop focussed on the impact of farm level practices on animal health and quality aspects of organic livestock production. While most farm assurance schemes, including the organic farming certification, are primarily concerned with regulating the production system, the outcomes of the system, in terms of animal health and welfare, are particularly important in livestock production. The status quo assessments presented in the Workshop suggested that animal health and welfare outcomes of the organic production systems do not necessarily fulfil high consumer – or indeed animal – expectations. It was also suggested, that there may be particular problems in relation to the quality and safety of animal products, particularly in situations where regulations to achieve wider objectives – e.g. animal welfare - could have negative impact in relation to zoonotic diseases. Some of the speakers highlighted the inadequacies of the current inspection and certification systems, in terms of securing high levels of health and welfare in organic livestock systems. – Improved health planning, combined with a structured assessment of health and welfare outcomes, as part of certification, was suggested as a potential solution to these problems.
Perhaps the most valuable offering of the 2nd SAFO Workshop was the wealth of information on husbandry, feeding and breeding techniques that are being developed for organic livestock production systems all over the Community. In spite of some formidable problems, marked strides forward are being taken by the farmers and their advisers in areas like improving the poultry husbandry, identifying suitable feeding and breeding strategies for dairy cows and controlling parasites with minimal medicine inputs. – One of the important tasks of the SAFO Network is to ensure that the messages from these projects are taken into consideration in the development of the EU Regulation on organic livestock production.
Part A: Organic animal health management and food quality at the farm level: Current state and future challenges
Organic livestock production and food quality: a review of current status and future challenges
M. Vaarst and M. Hovi
Animal health in organic farming defined by experts- concept mapping and the interpretation of the concept of naturalnessl
T. Baars, E. Baars and K. Eikmans
Animal, welfare and health problem areas from an organic farmer’s point of view
U. Schumacher
A veterinarian’s perspective of animal health problems on organic farms.
P. Plate
Part B: Animal health and welfare: organic dairy production
Swiss organic dairy milk farmer survey: which path for the organic cow in the future?
E. Haas and B. Pabst
Animal health in organic dairy farming – results of a survey in Germany.
C. Winckler and J. Brinkmann
Suckling as an alternative rearing system for replacement calves on dairy farms
J. Langhout and J.-Paul Wagenaar
Feeding strategies in Swiss organic farming to improve food quality and animal health
B. Früh
The investigations of complex management: The story of bulk milk somatic cell counts and deep litter barns
T. Baars and G. Smolders
Udder health concepts that comply with organic principles – how to reduce therapies?
M. Walkenhorst, C. Notz, P. Klocke, J. Spranger and F. Heil
The relationship between worm burden and milk quality of goats
R. Koopmann and K. Barth
Part C: Animal health and welfare: organic beef and sheep production
Problem areas in animal health and welfare on organic farms: Effects of pasture on animal health, welfare and performances of organic beef reared in Tuscany in Italy
A. Martini, C. Sargentini, G. Lorenzini, V. Morrocchi, A. Giorgetti, C. Contini, L. Omodei-Zorini, V. Ferrante and A. Tellini
Proposed husbandry practices to ensure animal health and product quality in organic sheep and goat production systems
G. Arsenos, G. Banos, G. E. Valergakis, P. Fortomaris and D. Zygoyiannis
Production effects at different systems of environmentally friendly grazing of fat heifers in the Carpathians
S. Twardy, R. Kostuch, A. Kuzniar and I. Szewczyk
Nutritional aspects of bioactive forages for worm control in organic sheep and goats
H. Hoste, S. Athanasiadou, V. Paolini, F. Jackson, R.L. Coop, I Kyriazakis, E. Barrow, L. Fouraste, J. Valderrabano, J. Uriarte, M. Larsen, H. Mejer and S. Thamsborg
Control of gastrointestinal nematodes in organic beef cattle through grazing
H. Hertzberg, R. Figi, F. Noto and F. Heckendorn
Part D: Animal health and welfare: organic poultry production
Organic broilers in the Netherlands
T. B. Rodenburg et al.
Health in free-range chickens - facts and fairy tales
M. Bestmann
Protein supply for organic poultry: options and short-comings
W. Zollitsch
How to motivate laying hens to use the hen run
E. Zeltner
Part E: Health and welfare assessment and certification at farm level
Incorporation of existing animal welfare assessment techniques into organic certification and farming
T. Leeb et al.
Development of an advisory systems that supports good animal welfare in organic milk production in Norway
B. Henriksen
Development of organic livestock production and certification in Latvia
J. Miculis
Problems and challenges with the certification of organic pigs.
A.Sundrum and M. Ebke
Part F: Poster presentations
Assessing dairy cow cleanliness, milk hygiene and mastitis incidence during winter housing on organic and conventional farms in the UK.
K.A. Ellis, P.J. Cripps, M. Mihm, W. G. McLean, C. V. Howard and D. H. Grove-White
Comparison of cattle production on organic and conventional farms in Poland.
J. Zastawny, H. Jankowska-Huflejt and B. Wróbel
The production of organic table birds in England: a study of commercial flocks.
S. Roderick and W. Yates
Reducing ammonia and mineral losses in organic pig production.
S.G. Ivanova-Peneva and A.J.A. Aarnink
Influence of forge on microbial activity in the hind gut of pigs and potential benefits to soil biology.
W. Trejo-Lizama, M. Raubuch and A. Sundrum
Methods to control parasite infections without recourse to antiparasitic drugs.
A. Scossa, F. Saltalamacchia, C. Tripaldi and G. Gringoli
Development of organic farming in Estonia.
R. Lemming and M. Henno
Animal production and marketing for the diffusion of organic farming in the natural parks of Tuscany in Italy.
A. Martini, P. Migliorini, C. Zucchi, G. Lorenzini and S. Rosi Belliere
Part G: Working group reports
Animal health and welfare on the farm: Identification of common and countryspecific problems and potential solutions
Solutions to farm level constraints in ensuring high health and welfare status Report from the SAFO Co-ordinator
Mette Vaarst
EPrint Type: | Proceedings |
Keywords: | animal health and welfare, food quality, organic farming |
Subjects: | Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health Animal husbandry > Production systems Animal husbandry > Health and welfare |
Research affiliation: | European Union > 5th Framework Programme > Animal Health and Food Safety SAFO European Union > 5th Framework Programme > Animal Health and Food Safety SAFO |
Related Links: | http://www.safonetwork.org/publications/index.html |
Deposited By: | Hovi, MS M |
ID Code: | 3148 |
Deposited On: | 27 Aug 2004 |
Last Modified: | 12 Apr 2010 07:29 |
Document Language: | English |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
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