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Pulse versus continuous peracetic acid applications: Effects on rainbow trout performance, biofilm formation and water quality

Liu, Dibo; Strauss, David L.; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming and Meinelt, Thomas (2017) Pulse versus continuous peracetic acid applications: Effects on rainbow trout performance, biofilm formation and water quality. [Puls versus kontinuert vandbehandling med pereddikesyre: Effekter på regnbueørreders trivsel, dannelse af biofilm og vandkvalitet.] Aquaculture Engineering, 77, pp. 72-79.

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Summary in the original language of the document

Peracetic acid (PAA) products are being introduced to aquaculture as sustainable disinfectants. Two strategies are used to apply PAA: high dose pulse applications, or low dose continuous application. In the present study, their impacts on fish health and water quality were investigated in triplicate flow-through tanks stocked with rainbow trout. The gentler and shorter water cortisol increase measured along twice-per-week pulse applications of 1 mg L−1PAA indicated a progressive adaptation of fish. In contrast, the continuous application of 0.2 mg L−1PAA caused no stress to fish. Meanwhile, no mortality and no impact on growth or innate cellular immunity were observed. The pulse applications restricted biofilm formation, and partially inhibited nitrification. Additionally, the highest oxygen concentration and stable pH were observed. In contrast, the continuous application promoted biofilm formation, and caused a pH increase and intermediate oxygen concentration. The contrast was probably due to different susceptibility of microbes to PAA-induced oxidative stress. To summarize, pulse PAA applications cause minor stress in fish, but have advantages over continuous application by ensuring better water quality.

Summary translation

Pereddikesyre (PES) produkter bliver introduceret til akvakultur som skånsomme desinfektionsmidler. PES anvendes ved to strategier: høj dosis puls tilsætning, eller lav kontinuert tilsætning. I dette studie blev effekterne af PES tilsætning undersøgt i forhold til fiskesundhed og vandkvalitet i triplikate gennemstrøms kar med regnbueørreder. Den svagere og kortere stigning i vandets kortisol indhold under tilsætning af 1 mg/l PES puls 2 gange om ugen indikerede en tiltagende tilpasning hos fiskene. Derimod førte kontinuert tilsætning af 0.2 mg/l PES ikke til stress hos fiskene. Der blev ikke observeret dødelighed eller effekt på vækst og immunitet. Puls tilsætning begrænsede imidlertid dannelsen af biofilm, og inhiberede delvis nitrifikationen. Ydermere observeredes den højeste ilt koncentration og stabile pH. Derimod fremkaldte kontinuert tilsætning dannelse af biofilm, højere pH og moderate iltkoncentrationer. Forskellene skyldtes sandsynligvis forskellig følsomhed hos bakterierne til PES-induceret oxidativ stress. Det kan konkluderes, at puls tilsætning af PES giver nogen stress hos fiskene, men resulterer i bedre vandkvalitet i forhold til kontinuert tilsætning.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:Disinfection, Biofilm, Fish welfare, Cortisol, Respiratory burst
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Aquaculture
Research affiliation: Denmark > Organic RDD 2 > RobustFish
Deposited By: Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred
ID Code:31461
Deposited On:21 Apr 2017 12:02
Last Modified:21 Apr 2017 12:02
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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