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Organic grain legumes at a glance

{Tool} Organic grain legumes at a glance. [Biokörnerleguminosen auf einen Blick.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Böhler, Daniel; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Kessler, Willy and Schmutz, Res. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Merkblatt. (2009)

[thumbnail of Merkblatt]
PDF - Published Version - German/Deutsch (Merkblatt)
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Image (PNG) - Cover Image - English

Document available online at: https://www.fibl.org/de/shop/1520-biokoernerleguminosen.html

Summary in the original language of the document

Currently a large amount of the protein requirement is met by imports. By increasing the cultivation of grain legumes, a bigger part of this requirement could be met by local production.
This leaflet provides a tabular overview on the following grain legumes: field beans, field peas, soya beans and sweet lupines. The table contains information about the plants and their needs. It is shown how they should be cultivated, protected and harvested. In addition, some information about profitability and possible uses is provided.
This leaflet was made for farmers that want to begin cultivating organic grain legumes, but it might also be of use to conventional grain legume farmers. The information about economic aspects are specific to Switzerland.

Summary translation

Zurzeit wird ein grosser Teil des Proteinbedarfs durch Importe gedeckt. Durch den vermehrten Anbau von Körnerleguminosen könnte ein grösserer Teil des Bedarfs aus einheimischer Produktion gedeckt werden.
Das Merkblatt gibt einen tabellarischen Überblick über die Körnerleguminosen Ackerbohnen, Eiweisserbsen, Sojabohnen und Süsslupinen. Die Tabelle enthält Informationen über die Pflanzen und deren Bedürfnisse. Es wird gezeigt, wie sie kultiviert, geschützt und geerntet werden. Zusätzlich gibt es Informationen zur Wirtschaftlichkeit und zu Einsatzmöglichkeiten.
Dieses Merkblatt spricht hauptsächlich Landwirte an, welche bereits Biokörnerleguminosen anbauen oder damit beginnen möchten. Es kann jedoch auch für konventionelle Landwirte interessant sein. Die wirtschaftlichen Aspekte sind spezifisch für die Schweiz.

EPrint Type:Practice tool
Teaser:Meet your crop’s protein requirement!
What problem does the tool address?:Currently, a large amount of the protein requirement is met by imports. By increasing the cultivation of grain legumes, a bigger part of this requirement could be met by local production.
What solution does the tool offer?:This leaflet provides a tabular overview on the different grain legumes and their cultivation.
Type of Practice Tool:Leaflets & guidelines
Theme:Crop specific
Keywords:arable farming, cereal crop, crop species, organic farming, protein crop
Keywords:arable farming, cereal crop, crop species, organic farming, legumes
Agrovoc keywords:
arable farming
cereal crops
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Cereals, pulses and oilseeds
Research affiliation: European Union > Horizon 2020 > OK-Net Arable > Selected tools
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Knowledge exchange > Advice
European Union > Horizon 2020 > OK-Net Arable
Related Links:https://shop.fibl.org/chde/1520-biokoernerleguminosen.html, https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/31174
Deposited By: Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, FiBL
ID Code:31174
Deposited On:15 Nov 2018 10:12
Last Modified:17 Jul 2023 08:54
Document Language:German/Deutsch

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