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Cover crop mulches and no-till soybean (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)

{Tool} Cover crop mulches and no-till soybean (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 018. (2017)

[thumbnail of Coltivazione della soia su pacciamatura verde]
PDF - Italian/Italiano (Coltivazione della soia su pacciamatura verde)
[thumbnail of Cover crop mulches and no-till soybean]
PDF - English (Cover crop mulches and no-till soybean)
[thumbnail of 2024-07-26 09_59_15-Practice Abstract - PA_018_AIAB_Soybean_roller_crimper_final_QR.pdf – Mozilla Fi.png]
Image (PNG) - Cover Image - English

Document available online at: https://orgprints.org/31044/

Summary in the original language of the document

Several methods of sowing into mulch were tested:
A) No-till sowing into a standing cover crop, then rolling the cover crop with a roller crimper;
B) No-till sowing into a standing cover crop, then creating mulch by passing over it with a flail shredder;
C) No-till sowing into a standing cover crop, and no follow-up procedures;
D) Mulch obtained with a flail shredder, then no-till sowing with a tine air seeder; and
E) Roller crimper followed by no-till sowing with a tine air seeder.
All of these methods, except method B, have shown good results in terms of weed control, and preser-vation of soil water (even during the dry summer in 2016). Yields were comparable with those of the tilled fields, except for method C.
Practical recommendations
• The cover crop needs to be sown as accurately as the main crop. Poor cover crop stands do not result in good mulches.
• The effectiveness of the mulch depends on the amount of mulch biomass. However, more biomass also means more difficulty for the planter.

Summary translation

Si sono testati con buoni risultati tre tipologie di semina e gestione della pacciamatura:
a) semina di prec isione seguita da passaggio con roller crimper;
b) semina di precisione seguita da passaggio con trinciastocchi;
c) semina di precisione nell'intercalare che viene lasciata in piedi;
d) trinciatura e semina con seminatrice a denti;
e) roller crimper e seminatrice a denti.
Tutte le varianti tranne la hanno controllato efficacemente le malerbe e mantenito la necessaria umidità nel terreno (anche nella siccitosa estate 2016). Produttività comparabile con le rese di produzione biologica dell'area, trane che per la variante c).
Raccomandazioni pratiche
Osservazioni e consigli pratici
• Ancora da valutare l'efficaccia del roller crimper e degli altri metodi su terreni a scheletro prevalente.
• La presenza di una pacciamatura, o della coltura intercalare ancora in piedi, non sembra avere ridotto la percentuale di emergenza della soia.
• Dove le ruote del trattore sono passate sopra le file seminate si è rilevata una diminuzione del numero di piante per unità di superfice. Questo effetto è stato maggiore nelle aree oggetto di ristagno nelle settimane successive alla semina (attenzione nei terreni limosi).

EPrint Type:Practice tool
What problem does the tool address?:Soybean is a challenging crop in organic systems due to its low ability to compete with weeds during growth. 2 to 4 hoeing passages with camera-controlled steering systems are an option, but they significantly increase production costs. Moreover, in the traditional Italian growing areas, irrigation is becoming a necessity to ensure good yields. However, not all areas can be irrigated at a reasonable cost.
What solution does the tool offer?:As a solution, soybeans may be sown into mulched cover crop in a no-till system. The mulch cover suppresses the weeds during initial growth of the crop and reduces the amount of water lost by evaporation.
Type of Practice Tool:Practice abstracts
Theme:Soil quality and fertility, Weed management
Keywords:arable farming, oilseed crop, weed management
Keywords:arable farming, oilseed crop, weed management, soybean, soil fertility, soil quality
Agrovoc keywords:
arable farming
weed control
oil crops
soil fertility
soil quality
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Cereals, pulses and oilseeds
Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Crop husbandry > Weed management
Research affiliation: European Union > Horizon 2020 > OK-Net Arable > OK-Net-Arable Tools
European Union > Horizon 2020 > OK-Net Arable
Italy > AIAB
European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:652654
Related Links:https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/31044, https://orgprints.org/31044/
Project ID:ofk
Deposited By: Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, FiBL
ID Code:31044
Deposited On:19 Apr 2017 11:11
Last Modified:26 Jul 2024 08:00
Document Language:English, Italian/Italiano

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