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PRODIVA report 2016_Information of public in the Ministry of Agriculture, LATVIA

Zarina, Livija; Piliksere, Dace and Zarina, Liga (2016) PRODIVA report 2016_Information of public in the Ministry of Agriculture, LATVIA. . [Submitted]

[thumbnail of Prodiva_ZM_2016 8dec.pdf]
PDF - Latvian/Lettish/Latviesu

Summary in the original language of the document

Saskaņā ar projektā PRODIVA plānotajām aktivitātēm 2016. gadā turpināti pētījumi par nezāļu ierobežošanas iespējām izvēloties piemērotas labību sugas, šķirnes un to maisījumus.
Divdesmit zemnieku saimniecību laukos turpināts nezāļu monitorings noskaidrojot izplatītākās nezāļu sugas labību sējumos ar pasēju un nezāļu ierobežošanai efektīvāko lauku kopšanas paņēmienu bioloģiskajā saimniekošanas sistēmā.

Summary translation

Accordingly planed in project PRODIVA activites there were experiments on weed management by selecting suitable cereals species, varieties and mixtures continued in 2016.
Weed monitoring in twenty organic fields from ten organic farms was carried out to establish most common weed species and most effective crop management methods.

EPrint Type:Other
Keywords:PRODIVA, organic farming, weeds, cereals
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Weed management
Research affiliation: International Projects > Other funders
European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic Plus > PRODIVA
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:1381
Deposited By: Zarina, Dr.agr. Livija
ID Code:30917
Deposited On:21 Apr 2017 13:55
Last Modified:16 Dec 2017 20:14
Document Language:Latvian/Lettish/Latviesu

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