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Tropane alkaloids: Prevention of contamination in organic crops

Alletsee, Oliver; Weller, Stefan and Altmann, Barbara (2016) Tropane alkaloids: Prevention of contamination in organic crops. FiBL-Technical guide. FiBL, Bioland, Naturland, Demeter, Bio Suisse, Bio Austria, IBLA, Rapunzel Naturkost, CH-Frick, D-Mainz, D-Gräfelfing, D-Darmstadt, CH-Basel, A-Linz, L-Munsbach, D-Legau.

[thumbnail of FiBL-Technical guide] PDF - English (FiBL-Technical guide)
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Document available online at: https://shop.fibl.org/en/article/c/arable-cropping-1/p/1711-tropane-alkaloids.html

Summary in the original language of the document

The guide addresses the problem of contamination of organic arable crops with tropane alkaloids due to infestation by weeds containing these substances. The guide provides recommendations for agricultural practice to control the problem plants and prevent toxic infestations.

EPrint Type:Book
Keywords:tropane alkaloids, FiBL, toxic infestations, Department of Extension, Training and Communication, Weed control, Crop protection, Arable crops
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Crop husbandry > Weed management
Research affiliation:Other countries
Austria > Bio Austria - Research
Switzerland > Bio Suisse
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Knowledge exchange > Advice
Germany > Bioland
Germany > Naturland
Germany > Other organizations Germany
Deposited By: Dierauer, Dipl. Ing.-Agr. ETHZ Hansueli
ID Code:30287
Deposited On:17 Jun 2016 09:41
Last Modified:28 Jun 2023 14:42
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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