{Project} CORE Organic: Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming. Work package 5: Sharing and developing best practice for evaluating organic research. [Europäische Koordination transnationaler Forschung zu Ökolandbau und -lebensmitteln. Arbeitpaket 5: Entwicklung von Evaluationsverfahren für Projekte und Programme.] Runs 2004 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Niggli, Urs, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland .
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Document available online at: http://www.coreorganic.org
Summary in the original language of the document
General description of the overall project (Coordination DARCOF, Denmark)
Short description
CORE Organic is a transnational partnership where resources within research in organic food and farming are joined.
The aim is to enhance the quality, relevance and utilisation of resources in European research in organic food and farming through coordination and collaboration.
The project is initiated as a part of the European Commissions ERA-NET Scheme, which intends to step up cooperation between national research activities.
CORE Organic will contribute to strengthen the foundation of the European Research Area for research in organic food and farming by:
- Setting up of a common Internet portal for communication www.coreportal.org/
Building open common Internet databases for publications and research programmes www.orgprints.org
- Mapping and analysing existing research programmes, activities and facilities
- Coordinating existing research and integrating knowledge within organic research
- Sharing and developing best practice for evaluating organic research
- Identifying and prioritising future research topics in organic food and farming
- Coordinating and implementing future research topics with joint funding
- Lange, Stefan; Williges, Ute; Saxena, Shilpi und Willer, Helga, (Hrsg.) (2006) Research in Organic Food and Farming. Reports on organisation and conduction of research programmes in 11 European countries. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) / Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food BLE, Bonn, Germany. Archived at: https://orgprints.org/8798/
- Alföldi, Thomas; Niggli, Urs; Willer, Helga; Fried, Padruot M.; Strasser, Fredi; Dubois, David; Baumann, Daniel; Kaufmann, Robert; Gallmann, Peter und Charles, Raphael (2006) Country Report on Organic Farming Research in Switzerland. In: Lange, Stefan; Williges, Ute; Saxena, Shilpi und Willer, Helga, (Hrsg.). European Research in Organic Food and Farming. Reports on organisation and conduction of research programmes in 11 European countries, pp. 249-266. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) / Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food BLE, Bonn, Germany. Archived at: https://orgprints.org/8758/
State of the work
State of the Work
As a result of the cooperation in the CORE Organic ERA-NET, a pilot call for joint transnational research projects in organic food and farming was launched in late 2006.
Following a comprehensive evaluation procedure eight research projects were selected for joint, transnational funding by means of a virtual, common pot approach.
The eight research projects are:
- Methods to improve quality in organic wheat
Acronym: AGTEC-Org (project no. 1180) Further information at http://agtec.coreportal.org
- Planning for better animal health and welfare
Acronym: ANIPLAN (project no. 1903) Further information at http://aniplan.coreportal.org
- How to communicate ethical values
Aconym: FCP (project no. 1897) Further information at http://fcp.coreportal.org
- A tool to prevent diseases and parasites in organic pig herds
Acronym: COREPIG (project no. 1904) Further information at http://corepig.coreportal.org
- More organic food for young people
Acronym: iPOPY (project no. 1881) Further information at http://ipopy.coreportal.org
- Assessing and Reducing Risks of Pathogen Contamination
Acronym: PathOrganic (project no. 1888) Further information at http://pathorganic.coreportal.org
- What makes organic milk healthy?
Acronym: PHYTOMILK (project no. 1921) Further information at http://phytomilk.coreportal.org
- How to assure safety, health and sensory qualities of organic products
Acronym: QACCP (project no. 1885) Further information at http://qaccp.coreportal.org
Description of Workpackage 5: Sharing and developing best practice for evaluating organic research
Many European countries have developed research programmes addressing the organic farm and food system. These national research programmes in organic farming vary strongly in size, complexity, depth and duration they have been in place.
In all countries, funding agencies have entered new ground with these programmes and face various problems when evaluating proposals and monitoring the outreach of programmes and projects. Although the criteria for scientific excellence are the same for organic research activities, some additional requirements have to be met: Whereas most of the agricultural research projects are disciplinary and programmes are designed in a multidisciplinary way, organic farming research requires a consistent interdisciplinary understanding of methods and results.
In addition, the organic farm and food system makes a strong claim to consider social and ethical impacts of farming and how research interferes, a claim often difficult for funding agencies and researches to cope with.
To conclude, funding agencies and programme manager have a strong interest to jointly develop best practice of evaluation and quality assurance in this new research area.
Work will include
- Mapping of existing evaluation criteria and procedures for the construction and implementation of research programmes and projects as well as methodologies in specific areas in each participating state.
- Critically analysing evaluation criteria and procedures in place and discussing specific practices together with opinion leaders of the organic farm and food system (e.g. contradictory interest of scientists to publish in scientific journals and the organic farm and food system to participate in research as it is practised in transdisciplinary research approaches)
- Developing a set of criteria and procedures and a checklist in order to facilitate evaluations of projects and programmes (widely accepted Terms of Reference, TOR)
- Training of experts for the evaluation of research projects and programmes in organic farming
Summary translation
Beschreibung Gesamtprojekt (Koordination DARCOF, Dänemark)
CORE Organic ist ein transnationales Projekt mit dem Ziel, Ressourcen der Biolandbauforschung besser zu nutzen.
Ziel ist es, Qualität, Relevanz und Nutzung der Ressourcen der Biolandbauforschung durch transnationale Koordination und Zusammenarbeit zu erhöhen.
CORE Organic ist Teil des Europäischen ERA-NET Programms zum Aufbau der Kooperation zwischen nationalen Forschungsprogrammen.
CORE Organic stärkt die Biolandbau-Forschung im europäischen Forschungsraum durch:
Etablierung eines gemeinsamen Internetportals www.coreportal.org
Weiterentwicklung einer gemeinsamen frei zugänglichen Literatur- und Projekt-Datenbank www.orgprints.org
Aufbereitung und Analyse vorhandener Forschungsprogramme, -aktivitäten und –einrichtungen
Koordination bestehender Forschung und vorhandenen Wissens für den Biolandbau
Austausch und Weiterentwicklung von Evaluationsverfahren für Projekte und Programme
Identifizieren und Bewertung von zukünftigen Forschungsthemen im Bereich Biolandbau
Koordination und Umsetzung zukünftiger Forschungsthemen durch gemeinsame Finanzierung
Literatur wie englische Version
Stand der Arbeiten
Als Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit in CORE Organic wurde Ende 2006 eine Ausschreibung für transnationale Forschungsprojekte für den Biolandbau veröffentlicht.
Nach einer umfassenden Evaluation wurden acht Projekte ausgewählt.
Diese acht Projekt sind:
- Methoden zur Qualitätsverbesserung von Bioweizen Acronym: AGTEC-Org (Projekt-Nr. 1180) Weitere Information unter: http://agtec.coreportal.org
- Optimierung von Tiergesundheit und Tierwohl Acronym: ANIPLAN (Projekt-Nr. 1903) Weitere Informationen unter: http://agtec.coreportal.org
Kommunikation von ethischen Werten Acronym: FCP (Projekt-Nr. 1897) Weitere Informationen unter: http://fcp.coreportal.org
- Instrument zur Vorbeugung von Krankheiten und Parasiten in der biologischen Schweinehaltung Acronym: COREPIG (Projekt-Nr. 1904) Weitere Informationen unter: http://corepig.coreportal.org
- Biolebensmittel für Junge Acronym: iPOPY (Projekt-Nr. 1881) Weitere Informationen unter: http://ipopy.coreportal.org
Einschätzung und Verminderung des Risikos pathogener Belastung Acronym: PathOrganic (Projekt-Nr. 1888) Weitere Informationen unter: http://pathorganic.coreportal.org
- Was macht Biomilch gesund? Acronym: PHYTOMILK (Projekt-Nr. 1921) Weitere Informationen unter: http://phytomilk.coreportal.org
Gewährleistung von Sicherheit, Gesundheit und sensorischer Qualität von Biopodukten Acronym: QACCP (Projekt-Nr. 1885) Weitere Informationen unter: http://qaccp.coreportal.org
EPrint Type: | Project description |
Keywords: | Organic farming, Research network, ERA-NET Scheme, Coordination of national research activities, FiBL, Agroscope, CORE Organic, Biolandbau, Forschungsnetzwerk, ERA-NET, Ressortforschung, FiBL, Agroscope |
Subjects: | Knowledge management |
Research affiliation: | Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Knowledge exchange > Events European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic |
Research funders: | European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic |
Related Links: | http://www.coreorganic.org, http://www.coreportal.org/, https://orgprints.org/view/projects/eu-coreorganic.html |
Acronym: | CORE Organic |
Start Date: | 1 September 2004 |
End Date: | 30 September 2007 |
Deposited By: | Niggli, Prof. Dr. Urs |
ID Code: | 2938 |
Deposited On: | 28 Jun 2004 |
Last Modified: | 27 Oct 2021 11:32 |
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