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Boosting the quality of organic trout fry

Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Boosting the quality of organic trout fry. [Styrkelse af kvaliteten af økologisk ørredyngel.] Hatchery International, 29 January 2015, pp. 1-2.

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PDF - English

Document available online at: http://hatcheryinternational.com/research/danish-project-aims-to-boost-quality-of-organic-trout-fry/

Summary in the original language of the document

RobustFish will strengthen the development of Danish organic trout production. According to the EU Regulation on Organic Aquaculture, the fish production shall exclusively be based on organic fry from 2016. Particularly, in organic farming, medication is only allowed within very strict limits. Therefore, the robustness of the fry to diseases is crucial. Especially, this concerns the most serious trout fry disease in Danish aquaculture, Rainbow Trout Fry Syndrome (RTFS). The robustness of the fry seems to be related to larval developmental rate and to the dietary content of specific Ω-3 fatty acids (HUFAs). Stress and RTFS tests are going to be performed to investigate if these two factors can be included in strategies to increase the robustness of the fry. Further, the effect on health and welfare of water treatments using approved agents in organic aquaculture is tested. RobustFish will create growth – based on organic principles and in a balance between environment, ethics and economy. However, the efforts will as well improve the productivity of the conventional trout farming by lower prevalence of RTFS, reduced medication and lower environmental impact. Connected to these efforts RobustFish also will provide needed knowledge about market conditions and consumer attitudes, including the competitive effect of increased production. Mapping the existing types of organic aquaculture products in European markets will pave the way for product development and increasing the Danish market share.

Summary translation

RobustFish vil styrke udviklingen af økologisk ørred produktion i Danmark. Ifølge EU regelsættet for økologisk akvakultur skal den økologiske fiskeproduktion udelukkende være baseret på økologisk yngel fra 2016. Da medicinbehandling af økologisk ørred er uønsket og kun er tilladt i stærkt begrænset omfang, er ynglens robusthed overfor bl.a. den alvorligste yngelsygdom i dansk ørredopdræt, YDS (”yngeldødeligheds-syndrom”), særdeles vigtig. Ynglens robusthed vil blive målt i forhold til ynglens swim-up adfærd (first feeding) og performance under opvæksten. Indholdet af specifikke essentielle Ω-3 fedtsyrer i foderet til ynglen er særlig vigtig for fiskens vækst, sundhed og velfærd, herunder robusthed overfor stress. Dette skal undersøges ved stress tests samt challenge tests over for YDS. Endvidere belyses effekten af vandbehandling med godkendte hjælpestoffer i økologisk opdræt i forhold til fiskevelfærd. RobustFish vil skabe vækst - baseret på økologiske principper og i en balance mellem miljø, etik og økonomi, men indsatsen vil tillige styrke den konventionelle ørredproduktion ved lavere forekomst af YDS, reduceret sygdomsbehandling og lavere miljøpåvirkning. I sammenhæng hermed vil RobustFish også bidrage med vigtig viden om markedsforhold og forbrugerkendskab, herunder effekten af forøget produktion på pris- og konkurrencevilkår. En kortlægning af eksisterende typer af økologiske akvakultur produkter i Europa skal danne afsæt for produktudvikling og øget afsætning.

EPrint Type:Newspaper or magazine article
Keywords:Organic trout fry; Ova
Subjects:"Organics" in general
Farming Systems > Farm economics
Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth
Animal husbandry > Breeding and genetics
Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Values, standards and certification > Consumer issues
Values, standards and certification > Regulation
Research affiliation: Denmark > DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Denmark > ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems
Denmark > KU - University of Copenhagen
Denmark > Organic RDD 2 > RobustFish
Related Links:http://www.icrofs.org/Pages/Research/ORG_RDD2_Robustfish.html
Deposited By: Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred
ID Code:28259
Deposited On:20 Feb 2015 15:04
Last Modified:26 Mar 2015 14:42
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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