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Tables of composition and nutritional values of organically produced feed materials for pigs and poultry

Kyntäjä, Soile; Partanen, Kirsi; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka and Jalava, Taina (2014) Tables of composition and nutritional values of organically produced feed materials for pigs and poultry. MTT, Agrifood Research Finland, Animal Production Research.

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PDF - Published Version - English

Document available online at: http://www.mtt.fi/mttraportti/pdf/mttraportti164.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

Organically produced cereals, legumes, oil seed products, forages, silages and new protein feedstuffs were analysed for nutrient composition. In this report, new high quality, protein rich feedstuffs included microalgae, insects and mussel meal. Protein feedstuffs also contained samples from less known plant feed materials for pigs and poultry, such as sainfoin seeds with hulls or dehulled, grass pea seeds and soybean by-product okara. Feed samples were analysed for dry matter, ash, crude protein, ether extract, crude fibre, neutral and acid detergent fibre, lignin, starch, sugars, amino acids, minerals, phytic acid, phytase activity and in vitro digestibilities according to Boisen and Fernàndez (1995, 1997) to predict the standardised ileal digestibility of amino acids (Boisen 2007). MTT, Agrifood Research Finland, analysed all the feed ingredients that were used in the feeding experiments throughout the ICOPP project. By having all samples analysed in the same place, and using the same methodology, it is possible to compare feed ingredients and transfer the results from country to country. Furthermore, there is often lack of information concerning analysed nutrient composition of organically produced feed materials. Information in this report can be used in feed optimisation for pigs and poultry on farms and by feed manufactures. Feedstuff names have been compiled based on EU feed catalogue (EU 575/2011). The calculation of feed energy values for pigs and poultry differs between European countries. In this report, the nutrient contents are translated into the feeding values according to feed evaluation systems used in different European countries. This report contains energy and protein values for pigs based on the French, Dutch and Danish feed evaluation systems. Energy values of feeds were also calculated according the British, German and Swiss feed evaluation systems. Energy values for poultry were presented according to the Finnish and Dutch feed evaluation systems.

EPrint Type:Report
Subjects: Farming Systems
Animal husbandry
Research affiliation: European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic II > ICOPP
Deposited By: Kirkegaard, Lene/LKI
ID Code:28116
Deposited On:23 Jan 2015 13:56
Last Modified:23 Jan 2015 13:56
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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