Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig; Wagner, Kathrin; Renziehausen, Christine; Starosta, Sonia; Osterbuhr, Maren and Bergschmidt, Angela (2015) Indikatoren für eine ergebnisorientierte Honorierung von Tierschutzleistungen in der Milchviehhaltung. Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015.
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Summary in the original language of the document
Regulations in organic farming and in animal welfare policies are action-oriented: they refer to resources such as space allowance and management, i.e. access to pasture. With this approach, the prerequisites for the exercise of normal behaviour can be created; but direct impacts on animal health and welfare are largely left out. The aim of our project is to develop a concept for a result-oriented approach to improve animal welfare in the framework of organic farming and the EUs rural development programmes. One of the challenges is the selection of suitable indicators. To select indicators which address major welfare-problems in dairy farming, a two-phased sampling process was carried out. First, scientists from Germany, Switzerland and Austria (n = 20) were asked in a written survey to select the most appropriate from a list of 82 indicators derived from literature. The questionnaire was designed as a Delphi survey to reduce heterogeneity among researchers and resulted in a list of 23 indicators. Then a practitioner-workshop with farmers, lobby groups, administration and control took place (n = 20) to address practicability issues. With great match, a list of 10 indicators was adopted, which was subjected to a practical test on 119 dairy farms, in which the full Welfare Quality® protocol was carried out for validation and comparison. The presentation will suggest this set of indicators.
Summary translation
Regulations in organic farming and in animal welfare policies are action-oriented: they refer to resources such as space allowance and management, i.e. access to pasture. With this approach, the prerequisites for the exercise of normal behaviour and good health are addressed, but the actual animal health and welfare state is not considered. The aim of our project is to develop a concept for a result-oriented approach to improve animal welfare in the framework of organic farming and the EUs rural development programmes. One of the challenges is the selection of suitable indicators. To select indicators which address major welfare-problems in dairy farming, a two-phased sampling process was carried out. First, scientists from Germany, Switzerland and Austria (n = 20) were asked in a written survey to select the most appropriate from a list of 82 indicators derived from literature. The questionnaire was designed as a Delphi survey to reduce heterogeneity among researchers and resulted in a list of 23 indicators. Then a practitioner-workshop with farmers, lobby groups, administration and control took place (n = 20) to address practicability issues. With great match, a list of 10 indicators was adopted, which was subjected to a practical test on 115 dairy farms, in which the full Welfare Quality® assessment protocol for cattle was carried out for validation and comparison. The resulting set of indicators will be presented and its suitability discussed.
EPrint Type: | Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Type of presentation: | Paper |
Keywords: | Milchvieh, Indikatoren, Agrarpolitische Fördermaßnahme, (Öko-) Kontrolle |
Subjects: | Animal husbandry > Health and welfare |
Research affiliation: | Germany > Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries - VTI > Institute of Organic Farming - OEL International Conferences > 2015: Scientific Conference of the German Speaking Countries > Animal husbandry |
ISBN: | 978-3-89574-885-1 |
DOI: | 27233 |
Related Links: | |
Deposited By: | Brinkmann, Dr. Jan |
ID Code: | 27233 |
Deposited On: | 22 Jun 2015 13:14 |
Last Modified: | 03 May 2017 12:03 |
Document Language: | German/Deutsch |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Peer-reviewed and accepted |
Additional Publishing Information: | Dieser Beitrag ist im Tagungsband der 13. Wissenschaftstagung erschienen. Häring, A.M., Hörning, B., Hoffmann-Bahnsen, R., Luley, H., Luthardt, V., Pape, J., Trei, G. (Hrsg.)(2015): Am Mut hängt der Erfolg - Rückblicke und Ausblicke auf die ökologische Landbewirtschaftung. Beiträge zur 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17.-20. März 2015 Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin |
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