Adler, Steffen; Jensen, Søren K.; Thuen, Erling; Gustavsson, Anne-Maj; Harstad, Odd Magne and Steinshamn, Håvard (2013) Effekt av botanisk sammensetning i surfôr på omsetning av fettløselige vitaminer i vom og overføring til melk. In: Brodin, Janne Karin (Ed.) Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2013, pp. 101-103.
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Summary in the original language of the document
Det var en tilsynelatende netto økning av α-tokoferol i vomma mens omtrent halvparten av β-karoten ble brutt ned. Surfôr fra Kortvarig økologisk eng som inneholdt rødkløver ga melk med lavere innhold av fettløselige vitaminer enn de andre surfôrslagene
Summary translation
Ruminal metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins in forages were investigated. Four silages were compared; mix of the first and third cut of organically managed short-term grassland with timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.); organically managed long-term grassland with a high proportion of unsown species (6 yr old); conventionally managed ley with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.); and conventionally managed ley with timothy. There was an apparent net increase of α-tocopherol in the rumen while approximately half of the β-carotene was degraded. Silage from short term organic grassland containing red clover gave milk with lower levels of fat-soluble vitamins than the other sialges
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