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Agricultura familiar orgânica e qualidade de vida: um estudo de caso em Santa Rosa de Lima, SC, Brasil.

Azevedo, Elaine de ; Schmidt, Wilson and Karam, Karen Folador (2011) Agricultura familiar orgânica e qualidade de vida: um estudo de caso em Santa Rosa de Lima, SC, Brasil. [Family organic farming and quality of life: a study case in Santa Rosa de Lima, SC, Brazil.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 6 (3), pp. 81-106.

[thumbnail of Azevedo_Agricultura.pdf]
PDF - Published Version - Portuguese/Portugues

Document available online at: http://www.aba-agroecologia.org.br/ojs2/index.php/rbagroecologia/article/view/9946/pdf_1

Summary in the original language of the document

A Agricultura Familiar Orgânica, ao se apresentar como um sistema produtivo que objetiva a auto-sustentação da propriedade agrícola, a oferta de alimentos saudáveis e a preservação da saúde ambiental e social, questiona as repercussões negativas do sistema moderno de produção de alimentos e se aproxima da noção de qualidade de vida. Para ilustrar melhor a articulação entre qualidade de vida e Agricultura Familiar Orgânica, buscou-se conhecer as repercussões da adoção de um sistema de produção orgânico sobre a qualidade de vida de agricultores familiares da Associação de Agricultores da Encostas de Serra Geral (AGRECO), em Santa Rosa de Lima, SC. O estudo de campo apresentado nesse artigo ajudou a elucidar a complexidade do conceito de qualidade de vida no meio rural. Ao mesmo tempo, evidenciou a prática da Agricultura Familiar Orgânica como uma estratégia eficaz na promoção de qualidade de vida e de valores sociais nesse meio e permitiu delimitar, com maior segurança, a relação entre as categorias propostas – qualidade e vida e Agricultura Familiar Orgânica.

Summary translation

This research aims to evaluate and draw conclusions concerning the relationships between Family Organic Farming and the resulting quality of life experienced by the farmers. A basic premise is that many of the same objective and subjective factors occur in studies and discussions of both these concepts. Analysis of the rural world from the perspective of agriculture reveals that current methods and patterns of farming determine significant changes in the social and environmental health of the rural population. This research compares the quality of rural life which results from modern forms of Technical Agriculture with that produced by Family Organic Farming where the aim is self-sustainability, the production of healthy food and the preservation of the environment. In addition, research showed that the organic farmer receives a range of social benefits not least being the reinforcement of his/her cultural integrity. These positive results call into question the negative repercussions of modern patterns of "Technical Agricultural" production. This article shows an initial exploratory study and an investigation into the quality of life being experienced by an existing group of organic family farmers belonging to AGRECO in Santa Rosa de Lima, south of Brazil. The study brought up the multiple relations for researches on quality of life in the rural world and also situates the Family Organic Farming as a strategy of promoting quality of life and social values in the rural word.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:Qualidade de vida, Agricultura Familiar, Agricultura Orgânica, Desenvolvimento rural sustentável, Santa Rosa de Lima, SC, Brasil. Quality of life, Family Organic Farming, Organic Farming, Sustainable rural development, Santa Rosa de Lima, SC, Brazil.
Agrovoc keywords:
Family farms
quality of life
Organic agriculture
Sustainable development
Subjects: Farming Systems
Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Research affiliation: Brazil > Other organizations Brazil
Related Links:http://www.aba-agroecologia.org.br/ojs2/index.php/rbagroecologia
Deposited By: Pinto, Gabriela Franco
ID Code:22990
Deposited On:05 Sep 2013 13:50
Last Modified:05 Sep 2013 13:52
Document Language:Portuguese/Portugues
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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