Lopes, Paulo Rogério ; Ferraz, José Maria Guzman ; Theodoro, Vanessa Christina and Lopes, Iara Maria (2012) Evolução da ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix) e da cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola) em agroecossistemas cafeeiros convencional, organo-mineral e orgânico. [Evolution of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix) and brown eye spot (Cercospora coffeicola) in conventional, organic-mineral and organic coffee agroecosystem.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 7 (1), pp. 160-168.
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Document available online at: http://www.aba-agroecologia.org.br/ojs2/index.php/rbagroecologia/article/view/9978/pdf
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a incidência de Hemileia vastatrix (ferrugem) e Cercospora coffeicola (cercosporiose) em agroecossistemas cafeeiros conduzidos sob manejo convencional, organo-mineral e orgânico no município de Poço-Fundo, sul de Minas Gerais. Para tanto, selecionou-se uma propriedade cafeeira que possuía os três sistemas de manejo evidenciados. As avaliações para determinação da incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro foram realizadas mensalmente, durante um ano (dez/07 a nov/08). Coletaram-se 10 folhas do 3º ou 4º par em todos os lados da planta, sendo amostrados 20 cafeeiros por agroecossistema, tomados aleatoriamente por meio de caminhamento em zigue-zague nos agroecossistemas, totalizando 200 folhas coletadas em cada sistema. A maior incidência da ferrugem no agroecossistema convencional ocorreu em agosto, atingindo índice de 15% e a cercosporiose alcançou 38,5% de incidência em julho. Os agroecossistemas organo-mineral e orgânico apresentaram elevados níveis de ataque da ferrugem e cercosporiose, alcançando índices extremos de incidência a partir do mês de julho, ultrapassando 80% de incidência de ferrugem e 54,5% de cercosporiose.
Summary translation
This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of Hemileia vastatrix and Cercospora coffeicola conducted in coffee agroecosystems under conventional, organic-mineral and organic managements in the municipality of Poço Fundo, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. To this end, it was selected a coffee farm with this three management systems. Sampling of leaves randomly taken to determine the incidence of coffee rust and brown eye spot were in middle third of each plant. Ten leaves were collected from third or fourth on all sides of the plant, being sampled by twenty coffee agroecosystem, totaling two thousand sheets collected from each system. The evaluations were performed monthly during one year (december, 2007 to november, 2008). The highest incidence of coffee rust in conventional agroecosystem occurred in August, reaching rates of 15% and brown eye spot incidence reached 38.5% in July, highest peak of the disease in this system. The agroecosystems organic-mineral and organic suffered high levels of attack by the coffee rust and brown eye spot, reaching extremes of incidence rates from the month of July, surpassing 80% incidence of rust and 54.5% of brown eye spot.
EPrint Type: | Journal paper |
Keywords: | Coffea arabica, Agricultura familiar, Sistemas agroecológicos, Doenças do cafeeiro. Coffea arabica, Family agriculture, Agroecological agroecosystems, Coffee diseases. |
Agrovoc keywords: | Language Value URI English Coffea arabica http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_1721 English Family farms http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_2787 English Agroecosystems http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_36669 English agroecology http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_92381 English Hemileia vastatrix http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_32323 English Cercospora coffeicola http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_33651 English Organic agriculture http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_15911 |
Subjects: | Crop husbandry > Production systems Farming Systems |
Research affiliation: | Brazil > Other organizations |
ISSN: | 1980-9735 |
Related Links: | http://www.aba-agroecologia.org.br/ojs2/index.php/rbagroecologia |
Deposited By: | Pinto, Gabriela Franco |
ID Code: | 22963 |
Deposited On: | 04 Sep 2013 17:50 |
Last Modified: | 04 Sep 2013 17:50 |
Document Language: | Portuguese/Portugues |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Peer-reviewed and accepted |
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