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Mahepõllumajanduse nõuete selgitus tootjale 2013

Palts, Egon and Vetemaa, Airi (2012) Mahepõllumajanduse nõuete selgitus tootjale 2013. [Explanation of organic farming regulation for organic farmers in 2013.] Estonian Ministry of Agriculture .

[thumbnail of nouete_selgitus_2012.pdf]
PDF - Estonian/Eesti

Document available online at: http://www.maheklubi.ee/upload/Editor/Trykised/nouete_selgitus_2012.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

Trükis koondab erinevate õigusaktidega sätestatud mahepõllumajandusliku taime- ja loomakasvatuse
(sealhulgas vesiviljelusloomade ja merevetikate tootmine) ning mahemesinduse nõuded, annab nende kohta selgitusi ja kirjeldab nõuete täitmise järelevalvet.

Summary translation

Publication consists explanations about organic farming regulation, based on relevant legal acts, for organic plant/animal production and beekeeping for year 2013.

EPrint Type:Report
Pedagogic Type:Other
Other Type:instruction
Keywords:organic regulation
Subjects: Values, standards and certification
Values, standards and certification > Regulation
Research affiliation: Estonia
Estonia > Estonian Organic Farming Foundation
Deposited By: Pehme, Sirli
ID Code:22106
Deposited On:14 Feb 2013 10:44
Last Modified:14 Feb 2013 10:44
Document Language:Estonian/Eesti
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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