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Erdal, Ülfet and Gürel, Aynur (2012) STATUS OF ORGANIC COTTON PRODUCTION IN TURKEY. [TÜRKİYE'DE ORGANİK PAMUK ÜRETİM DURUMU.] Inter-Regional Cooperative Research Network on Cotton for the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions, Antalya, Turkey, 5-7 November, 2012. [Submitted]

PDF - Presentation - English

Document available online at: http://icac.org/papers/papers-technical-information/communication-among-researchers/interregional-cooperative-network-on-cotton-for-the-mediterranean-and-middle-east-regions.

Summary in the original language of the document

Cotton production has been improved in respect to amount and quality with
contributions of scientific and technological innovations. Increased sensitivity to health and
environmental issues has caused development of new subjects such as organic agriculture.
Organic production systems are based on specific standards that combine tradition, innovation
and science. It sustains human and animal health and maintains ecosystem and soil quality.
Organic agriculture stops the use of pesticides and nutrient pollution.
Turkey has a good knowledge on organic farming and is one of the leading countries
in this regard. Organic cotton is grown in 23 countries around the World. India, Syria and
Turkey in can be seen in the rank of the countries related with organic cotton production in
2011. Textile Exchange Organic Cotton Farm and Fiber Report in 2011 announced that
organic cotton production increased 15 percent from 209.950 metric tons (MT) in 2008 - 09 to
241.276 MT (1.1 million bales) grown on 461.000 hectares (1.14 million acres) in 2009 -
2010 in the world. Organic cotton now represents approximately 1.1 percent of global cotton
production. In the future, it is anticipated that demand for organic cotton fiber will be greater
than supply. Organic cotton is considered as a niche product or niche-market product up to
now, but textile sector relevant to organic cotton with the effects of consumer awareness is
start to move from a niche market to mainstream with contributions of many clothing
In Turkey, organic cotton production faced with fluctuations from year to year due to
several difficulties such as pest and disease intensity, marketing and contracting problems,
demand and supply balance, etc. Taking into consideration demands of producers and
consumers of cotton and also textile manufacturers, several product types including organic
and also natural colored cottons have to be created in order to provide progress in this field.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Other
Keywords:Pamuk, Turkiye,Üretim, Cotton, Turkey, Production
Agrovoc keywords:
Subjects:"Organics" in general
Research affiliation: International Organizations > Other organizations
Deposited By: VURAL, Dr. Aysen ALAY
ID Code:22083
Deposited On:13 Feb 2013 19:38
Last Modified:13 Feb 2013 19:38
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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