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Økologipolitikken og de økologiske interesseorganisationernes kapaciteter i Danmark, Sverige og Tyskland

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Møller, Dan Kristian (2010) Økologipolitikken og de økologiske interesseorganisationernes kapaciteter i Danmark, Sverige og Tyskland. [Organic Farming Policy and the Capacities of the Organic Interest Groups in Denmark, Sweden and Germany.] Politica, 42 (1), pp. 69-89.

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Summary in the original language of the document

Økologisk jordbrug kom i de nordeuropæiske lande på den politiske dagsorden i 1980’erne. Det ændrede markant vilkårene for de organisationer, der repræsenterede det økologiske jordbrug, og påvirkede den måde de udviklede sig på. I Danmark blev økologisk jordbrug defineret som en nicheproduktion, og først senere fik det miljøpolitiske aspekt en vis vægt. I Sverige har man defineret økologisk jordbrug som et miljøpolitisk instrument, mens det i Tyskland først blev set som en måde at begrænse EU's overskudsproduktion på og senere som en forbrugerbeskyttelsesforanstaltning. Disse forskellige opfattelser af, hvilke policy-problemer det økologiske jordbrug kan løse, har påvirket de økologiske interesseorganisationers udvikling af kapaciteter vidt forskelligt i de tre lande. Den danske Økologisk Landsforening har udviklet betydelige kapaciteter inden for markedsføring af økologiske produkter, mens den svenske Ekologiska Lantbukarna og den tyske Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ökologischer Landbau (AGÖL) og den senere Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW) kun i meget begrænset grad har udviklet sådanne kapaciteter, men i stedet forblev forholdsvis ressourcesvage organisationer.

Summary translation

In Northern Europe, in the 1980s, organic farming was put onto the political agenda. This significantly changed the conditions for the associations representing the organic farming industry and influenced the way in which they developed. In Denmark organic farming was defined as a niche industry and it was not until later that environmental concerns were given some priority. In Sweden organic farming was defined as an environmental measure. In Germany it was initially seen as a measure to decrease surplus production in the EU and later as a consumer protection measure. These divergent perceptions of the policy problems which organic farming was to address have influenced the development of the capacities of organic interest groups differently. The Danish organic interest group has developed substantial capacities in marketing of organic produce, while its Swedish and Germans counterparts have developed such capacities only to a limited extent and have remained relatively weak groups.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Subjects: Food systems > Policy environments and social economy
Research affiliation: Denmark > DARCOF III (2005-2010) > COP - Public policies and demand for organic food
Deposited By: Daugbjerg, professor Carsten
ID Code:20900
Deposited On:14 Jun 2012 06:49
Last Modified:14 Jun 2012 06:49
Document Language:Danish/Dansk
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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