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Lokalt dyrket grønt til køerne – helt i økologiens ånd

Sehested, Jakob (2010) Lokalt dyrket grønt til køerne – helt i økologiens ånd. [Forage for the cows locally grown - the organic way.] Aarhus universitet. Online at http://agrsci.au.dk/nyheder/artikel/lokalt-dyrket-groent-til-koeerne-helt-i-oekologiens-aand/, accessed on: 16 April 2012.

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PDF - Danish/Dansk

Document available online at: http://agrsci.au.dk/nyheder/artikel/lokalt-dyrket-groent-til-koeerne-helt-i-oekologiens-aand/

Summary in the original language of the document

Med den rigtige blanding af urter i grovfoderet til køerne kan økologiske landmænd dække dyrenes behov for mineraler og vitaminer med hjemmedyrket foder og derved undgå at indkøbe tilskudsblandinger

Summary translation

It is possible for organic farmers to cover the cows requirements for minerals and vitamins using homegrown feed and avoid the use of commercial supplemetns by using the right mixture of herbs in the roughage for the cows

EPrint Type:Web product
Keywords:dariy cows, vitamins, minerals, herbs
Subjects: Animal husbandry
Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth
Research affiliation: Denmark > DARCOF III (2005-2010) > ECOVIT - Improved health in organic milk production
Deposited By: Bennedsgaard, Mr Torben Werner
ID Code:20729
Deposited On:17 Apr 2012 07:21
Last Modified:17 Apr 2012 07:21
Document Language:Danish/Dansk

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