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Microfibers for juice analysis by solid-phase microextraction.

Fonseca, Renata Borchetta Fernandes; Carvalho, Lucia Maria Jaeger de; Rangel, Carolina Netto and Bizzo, Humberto Ribeiro (2008) Microfibers for juice analysis by solid-phase microextraction. [Microfibras para análises de sucos por microextração em fase sólida.] Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 28, pp. 166-169.

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PDF - Portuguese/Portugues

Document available online at: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0101-20612008000500026&nrm=iso

Summary in the original language of the document

In view of the interest in analyzing volatile compounds by SPME, the following five microfibers were tested, polydimethylsiloxane; polyacrylate; polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene; carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane, and carbowax/divinylbenzene, to select the one which presents the best performance for the adsorption of the volatile compounds present in the headspace of acid lime juice samples. Sample stabilization time variations (30 and 60 minutes) were assessed as well the addition of NaCl to the samples. It was verified that the chromatogram with the most adsorbed volatile compounds was obtained with PDMS/DVB microfiber at 30 minutes and the addition of 0.2 g NaCl.

Summary translation

Diante do interesse de analisar substâncias voláteis pelo método de Microextração em Fase Sólida (MEFS), foram testadas cinco microfibras de polidimetilsiloxano - PDMS; poliacrilato - PA; polidimetilsiloxano/divinilbenzeno - PDMS/DVB; carboxen/polidimetilsiloxano ‑ ‑ ‑ CAR/PMDS e carbowax/divinilbenzeno - CW/DVB no presente trabalho, a fim de selecionar a microfibra de melhor desempenho para a adsorção das substâncias voláteis presentes no headspace das amostras de suco de lima ácida (Citrus latifolia, Tanaka) cv. Tahiti, obtida por cultivo biodinâmico. As microfibras selecionadas foram PDMS/DVB e PDMS, por apresentarem cromatogramas com maior número de componentes, onde não houve adição prévia de NaCl. A seguir, as microfibras de PDMS/DVB e PDMS foram avaliadas variando-se o tempo de estabilização da amostra (30 e 60 minutos), bem como a adição de NaCl. Verificou-se que o cromatograma com mais substâncias voláteis adsorvidas foi obtido com o uso da microfibra de PDMS/DVB, no tempo de 30 minutos e com a adição de 0,2 g de NaCl.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:Citrus, Beverages, Analysis, Organic agriculture, Frutos cítricos, Bebidas, Análises, Agricultura orgânica Agrovoc code: 15911 Organic agriculture, 1641 Citrus fruits, 896 Beverages, 49928 Analysis
Subjects:"Organics" in general
Values, standards and certification > Assessment of impacts and risks
Research affiliation: Brazil > Other organizations Brazil
Deposited By: Bernardo, Priscila
ID Code:20413
Deposited On:14 Oct 2012 16:57
Last Modified:14 Oct 2012 16:57
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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