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Velferd hos storfe

Grøndahl, Ann Margaret; Johnsen , Julie Føske; Ellingsen, Kristian; Halvorsen, Ingvild and Mejdell , Cecilie Marie (2011) Velferd hos storfe. [Welfare in cattle.] Norsk Veterinaertidsskrift, 9, pp. 549-558. [In Press]

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PDF - English

Summary in the original language of the document

Tidligere ble god fysisk helse, høy tilvekst/ytelse og god fruktbarhet ansett å være ensbetydende med at dyret hadde det bra. I dag regnes ikke dette som tilstrekkelige indikatorer. Atferd, stressmestring og ulike uttrykk for dyrs mentale tilstand står sentralt. Negative indikatorer som sjukdom og atferdsforstyrrelser må vurderes, sammen med tilstedeværelse av positive indikatorer som lek og annen trivselsatferd. Denne artikkelen omhandler i hovedsak de delene av velferdsbegrepet som omfatter trivsel og mulighet for naturlig atferd.

Summary translation

Following a short description of the term animal welfare and natural behaviour in semi domesticated cattle, factors influencing the welfare of cattle are discussed.
Cows and heifers prefer to lie down 10-12 hours per day, and have a strong preference for soft beddings. Access to pasture gives the animals opportunity to express natural behaviour like grooming, normal movements while rising and laying down, social behaviour and foraging, but may also lead to poor welfare due to insects, parasites, muddy areas, heat stress, wind and precipitation. Good welfare of cattle kept outdoors during the winter depends on good body condition, good feeding and access to shelter. Maternal behaviour is a strongly motivated behaviour in cattle, both beef and dairy.
Suckling is a strongly motivated behaviour that the calf should be allowed to perform, and newborn calves should be fed enough milk the first weeks to avoid hunger.
Cattle are social animals that should be kept in groups. Good health, low level of disease, a comfortable lying area, access to pasture and sufficient space are all important for the welfare of cattle. Play is an important indicator of good welfare. Disbudding, dehorning, castration and medical treatment of painful diseases should include pain alleviation. Management and farmer competence are of major importance for animal welfare.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:cattle, cow, calf, animal needs, welfare, natural behaviour.
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Production systems > Dairy cattle
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Beef cattle
Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Research affiliation: Norway > NVI - National Veterinary Institute
Deposited By: Grøndahl, Researcher Ann Margaret
ID Code:19901
Deposited On:24 Jan 2012 14:09
Last Modified:24 Jan 2012 14:09
Document Language:Norwegian/Norsk
Status:In Press
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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