{Project} SUMMER: Superb and Marketable Meat from Efficient and Robust Animals. [Markedsdrevet, højværdi økologisk kødproduktion med robust dyr.] Runs 2011 - 2013. Project Leader(s): Hermansen, John E..
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Summary in the original language of the document
With the aim to increase the production and market share of organic meat (pork, poultry and young beef), an integrated research and de-velopment effort will take place along the food chain (primary production, product development and market-ing). The hypothesis is that this product segment is presently underdeveloped due to incompatibility between production costs/consumer prices and the experienced quality of the products, and that this incompatibility primarily should be overcome by adding quality in a broad sense to the organic meat products. Among the immaterial qualities are that the animals are healthy as well as robust, are free-ranged, and is more integrated in the land use (relying to a large extent on on-farm resources) than actually present. In the project these qualities are investigated, while at the same time focusing on appearance, new cuts, taste and technological quality of the final product, including consumer perceptions and preferences. Specifically we will investigate how much foraging can contribute to the nutritional needs for pigs and poultry and its interaction with genotype, age at slaughter and product quality, how the quality of the sward and genotype affect product quality in young intact bulls, how the free range impact upon animal robustness, how marketing strategies can be formed complying with consumer perceptions, and how such production strategies support a profitable high-value production along with environmental benefits. This is expected to stimulate to more diversified meat products, a higher total organic meat production and consequently a higher organic share of total meat con-sumption.
Summary translation
Mens der er et stigende marked for økologiske produkter generelt, er den økologiske kødproduktion kun svagt udviklet. Det gælder svin, fjerkræ og ungkvæg. Blandt årsagerne er, at produkter heraf kræver en væsentlig større merpris i forhold til konventionelle produkter sammenlignet med andre økologiske varer, uden at pro-duktets fysiske og sensoriske kvalitet isoleret set berettiger hertil. På denne baggrund er den overordnede ar-bejdshypotese i projektet, at en udviklingsvej for den økologiske kødproduktion er at producere produkter, der såvel i fysisk/sensorisk kvalitet som i immateriel kvalitet adskiller sig markant fra konventionelle produkter, således at en væsentlig merpris kan retfærdiggøres. Nogle væsentlige immaterielle kvaliteter er at dyrene går på friland, at fodringen baseres på lokale ressourcer og at dyrenes sundhed og velfærd understøttes. I projektet undersøges disse kvaliteter, mens der samtidig fokuseres på udseende, udskæringer, smag, og teknologiske kva-litet af de færdige produkter, inklusiv forbruger præferencer. Specifikt vil vi undersøge hvor meget fouragering af frilandsafgrøder kan bidrage til næringsstofforsyningen hos svin og fjerkræ, og hvordan dette påvirkes af genotype og slagtealder samt hvordan produktkvaliteten påvirkes; undersøge hvordan græstype og genotype påvirker vækst og produktkvalitet hos unge tyre og kvier; undersøge hvordan produktionssystemerne påvirker dyrenes robusthed udtrykt ved immun kompetencer; samt undersøge hvordan der kan udvikles markedsførings strategier for disse produkter i overensstemmelse med forbrugeropfattelse og præferencer. Sammenfattende forventes dette at stimulere til mere diversificerede kødprodukter og en højere markedsandel af økologisk kød.
EPrint Type: | Project description |
Keywords: | High-value, marketing, product-quality, free-range-livestock, diversified meat |
Subjects: | Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health Animal husbandry > Production systems > Beef cattle Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth Animal husbandry > Breeding and genetics Food systems > Markets and trade Animal husbandry > Health and welfare Values, standards and certification > Consumer issues Animal husbandry > Production systems > Pigs Animal husbandry > Production systems > Poultry |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > Organic RDD 1 > SUMMER |
Acronym: | SUMMER |
Project ID: | 3405-10-OP-00158 |
Start Date: | 1 January 2011 |
End Date: | 31 December 2013 |
Deposited By: | Hansen, Grethe |
ID Code: | 19626 |
Deposited On: | 03 Nov 2011 13:29 |
Last Modified: | 02 Aug 2013 08:33 |
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