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PARasites in Organic Livestock: innovative solutions to new challenges

{Project} PAROL: PARasites in Organic Livestock: innovative solutions to new challenges. [Parasitter i økologiske produktionsdyr: innovative løsninger til nye udfordringer.] Runs 2011 - 2013. Project Leader(s): Thamsborg, Stig Milan.

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PDF - Submitted Version - English

Summary in the original language of the document

Parasites are ubiquitous in livestock in general and organic livestock in particular due to manage-ment factors promoting transmission (pastures/outdoor runs, plenty of bedding, restrictive use of parasiticides). The parasites cause poor animal welfare, production losses, disease, and non-uniform products. Pig helminths with hard-shelled eggs are difficult to control, as the eggs are highly resistant and may survive for years. The present project focuses on reducing the transmission of hard-shelled eggs to growing pigs by investigating 1) long-term survival of eggs on pastures (for optimising pasture rotation), 2) inactivation of eggs in bedding material (reducing transmission), and 3) a novel approach in bio-inactivation of eggs (chitin-degrading microfungi). The overall objective is, through close interaction between researchers, advisors and farmers, to develop new strategies to control parasitism in organic livestock. The strategies will ensure high levels of animal welfare (credibility), increased animal productivity (growth), and a minimum reliance on chemical drugs (robustness).

Summary translation

Parasitter findes i alle produktionsdyr, og de er specielt hyppigt forekommende i den økologisk produktion, hvor management faktorer favoriserer smitteoverførslen (ophold på marker, udendørs-stier, rigelig strøelse, begrænset brug af parasitmidler). Parasitter forårsager nedsat dyrevelfærd, produktionstab, sygdom og uensartede produkter. Hos svin er indvoldsorm med tykskallede æg særlig vanskelige at kontrollere, da æggene er yderst resistente og kan overleve i årevis i miljøet. Nærværende projekt fokuserer på at reducere smitten med tykskallede æg til smågrise og slagtesvin ved at undersøge 1) langtidsoverlevelsen af æg på mark (for at optimere markrotationen), 2) inaktivering af æg i strøelse (smittereduktion) og 3) en ny metode til biologisk inaktivering af æg (kitinnedbrydende mikrosvampe). Desuden fokuseres på optimering af parasitovervågning i besætningerne.Via intensivt samarbejde mellem forskere, rådgivere og landmænd er det overordnede mål at udvikle nye strategier for praktisk parasitkontrol i økologiske produktionssystemer. Strategierne vil sikre højere dyrevelfærd (troværdighed), øget produktivitet (vækst) og mindre afhængighed af medicin (robusthed).

EPrint Type:Project description
Keywords:Parasites, control, pigs
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Pasture and forage crops
Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Pigs
Research affiliation: Denmark > Organic RDD 1 > PAROL
Project ID:3405-10-OP-000137
Start Date:1 January 2011
End Date:31 December 2013
Deposited By: Hansen, Grethe
ID Code:19623
Deposited On:03 Nov 2011 13:33
Last Modified:05 Dec 2011 15:10

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