{Project} OPTIFISH: Influence of probiotics and feed on organic rainbow trout health. [Probiotika og foders betydning for sundheden hos økologisk regnbueørred.] Runs 2011 - 2013. Project Leader(s): Madsen, Lone.
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Summary in the original language of the document
The aim of OPTIFISH is to optimize growth and survival for organic cultured rainbow trout, the dominant fish species produced in Denmark. A minor part of the rainbow trout is produced as organic fish. Currently there is no production of organic fry, as the classification organic only can be given to fish that have been treated with antibiotics no more than twice in a lifetime. This is hard to achieve as recurrent disease outbreaks, especially with the bacterium Flavobacterium psychrophilum, are seen during the fry stage. A further challenge known from salmon culture is that diets with high plant contents cause enteritis and injury to the intestine, which will affect the absorption of nutrients, affecting the overall health status and welfare of the fish. The result is a higher risk of disease following exposure to pathogenic microorganisms. OPTIFISH will investigate how organic diet types with varying amounts of fish and plant sources as well as with or without probiotics (lactic acid bacteria) will affect the intestine, the intestinal microbial flora and survival rates of rainbow trout following exposure to pathogens. The use of probiotics for fry are assumed to result in a higher health level. The overall result will be a sustainable production with an optimal utilization of the available organic ressources as well as the scope for the industry that they by using the optimal diet type will achieve a robust and healthy fish, something that can be achieved not only in organic but also in traditional farming. A robust and disease-free fry is the most important factor for a higher production in organic aquaculture in the future.
Summary translation
Formålet med OPTIFISH er at sikre optimale betingelser og høj overlevelse for regnbueørreder i økologisk akvakultur. Regnbueørreden er den dominerende opdrætsfisk i dansk akvakultur, hvoraf en mindre del produceres økologisk. Pt. er der ingen produktion af økologisk yngel, da en økologisk fisk igennem livsforløbet højst må behandles med antibiotika to gange, hvilket kan være svært at overholde pga. gentagne sygdomsudbrud specielt forårsaget af bakterien Flavobacterium psychrophilum på yngelstadiet. Endvidere vides det fra lakseopdræt, at vegetabilske proteinkilder (f.eks. sojamel) i foderet påvirker tarmslimhinden, hvor der ses betændelse med en efterfølgende svækkelse af immunstatus. OPTIFISH vil se på, hvordan økologiske fodertyper med indhold af forskellige mængder af marine og vegetabilske foderemner samt med og uden probiotika (mælkesyrebakterier) påvirker regnbueørredens tarm, den bakterielle tarmflora samt overlevelsen hos fisk i forbindelse med infektioner. Brugen af probiotika til ynglen forventes at resultere i øget sundhed. Resultaterne vil skabe en mere bæredygtig produktion ved en bedre udnyttelse af de tilgængelige økologiske naturressourcer og ikke mindst muligheden for, at erhvervet ved brug af den mest optimale fodring opnår en robust og sund fisk. Dette vil ikke bare kunne bruges ved opdræt af økologisk fisk, men også i det traditionelle opdræt. En mere robust og sygdomsfri yngel vil være nødvendig for en højere produktion, især i forbindelse med økologisk opdræt.
EPrint Type: | Project description |
Keywords: | Intestinal ecology, organic feed, probiotics, rainbow trout, sustainability |
Subjects: | Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth Animal husbandry > Breeding and genetics Animal husbandry > Health and welfare Animal husbandry > Production systems > Aquaculture |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > Organic RDD 1 > OPTIFISH |
Acronym: | OPTIFISH |
Project ID: | 3405-10-OP-000128 |
Start Date: | 1 January 2011 |
End Date: | 31 December 2013 |
Deposited By: | Hansen, Grethe |
ID Code: | 19617 |
Deposited On: | 03 Nov 2011 13:35 |
Last Modified: | 05 Dec 2011 15:07 |
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